Wuhan Xinhecun Primary School: School football makes children look forward to the start of school

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, March 3, sports special topic: "Campus football" makes children look forward to the start of school

——See and hear about Xinhecun Primary School in Qiaokou District, Wuhan

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liao Jun and Luo Xin

The 2nd is the first day of primary and secondary schools in Wuhan. It was chilly in the spring, and the bell rang in the afternoon. Chen Huizhen, a girl from Class 4, Grade 3, Xinhecun Primary School, Qiaokou District, Wuhan City, took off her coat and sweater, put on a thin jersey, and ran happily to the playground. "I've been looking forward to playing football with my friends for a month!"

She picked up a ball from the football basket at the side of the playground and tossed it skillfully on the grass. As the three sides are surrounded by buildings, the football field of Xinhecun Primary School is a little cramped, but it does not affect the students' enthusiasm for football at all. After a while, a group of pupils aged 6 to 11 gathered on the court and kicked the ball cheerfully. Although most of their footwork is still immature, they play very seriously. If the shot is successful, the little guy will excitedly make a scissor hand towards other little partners.

Hou Lin, headmaster of Xinhecun Primary School, told reporters that the school has started to carry out football activities since the 1970s. From the initial cultivation of students' hobbies to gradually emerging in some competitions, and now more than half of the students have joined the football team, campus football has become an inseparable part of the school. "Read good books, play good football, and be good people" Become the school running goal.

"At present, there are more than 1000 students in 24 classes of the school, and each class has a football team, including 6 school level football teams. Every day, more than 100 school team members use school time to practice on the playground for two hours, and Chen Huizhen is one of them," Hou Lin said.

"Are you cold with so little clothes?" The reporter stamped his feet and asked the young team members. The children laughed and loudly replied, "Not cold!" "Playing football is a good thing, and I support my son to play football." Ms. Peng, the parent of Chen Junjian, a sixth grader, said that his son was selected into the school football team in the first grade, and now he is an "old team member" of the school, Represented the school in many municipal youth competitions. After learning to play football, the child's character has become much more agile, and his homework is no longer delayed. What made her feel more gratified was that her son was weak since childhood and suffered from constant minor ailments. After playing football, his body became much stronger.

The recent survey of the CPPCC Wuhan Municipal Committee shows that compared with other schools, Xinhecun Primary School has fewer "small fat pier" and "myopic" students. "Thanks to the popularity of football in Xinhe Village Primary School," said Wang Jianhong, the teaching director in charge of the school's football education. "Every student's change is reflected in the teachers' happy eyes. Through football's rules and cooperation spirit, we advocate the indomitable quality of not being arrogant in winning and not being discouraged in losing. Students' personalities are more sunny, cheerful, learning efficiency is improved, and learning habits are changed. The comprehensive quality of students will also be improved. "

"The school does not focus on training skills, but if there are outstanding children, the school will strengthen training." Hou Lin said that Xinhecun Primary School, which has 40 years of football tradition, has sent a large number of talents to China's football professional team. The current national women's football team member Yao Wei, U17 national youth team captain Yao Daogang, Feng Zhigang, Lei Tenglong and other 34 'national players' all started from Xinhecun Primary School. The school thus gained the nickname of "Cradle of Internationals". In addition, the school also put ideal "wings" on more than 100 students with football expertise, and realized the dream of nearly 20 colleges and universities in Peking University, Wuhan University and National University of Defense Technology.

The reporter learned that Wuhan is the flagship city of campus football. According to the person in charge of the Sports, Health and Arts Department of Wuhan Municipal Education Bureau, in 2012, the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China re arranged five cities including Wuhan as the pilot city for campus football. In 2013, Wuhan listed 64 primary and secondary schools as campus football pilot schools, and this year, 128 more schools were arranged. The Ministry of Education said that it would strive to increase the number of school football pilot schools in Wuhan to 300 by 2015.

However, to really make football fly on campus, there are several problems: first, funding, second, venues, and third, teachers. The problem of funding is relatively easy to solve. According to the person in charge of the education department of Wuhan, Wuhan will also increase the investment and give special subsidies to schools to purchase equipment, competition equipment and other materials.

"The ground and football teachers are the two hard bones in the development of campus football." Hou Lin said that if you can play football in school, you should also play football in the community. The former coaches are all the products of elite football. They lack cultural courses and fail to pass the exam. It is suggested to open a green channel or set up a special recruitment plan. In addition, it is also necessary to formulate safety rules, strengthen safety insurance, and remove worries for the development of campus football. " (End)

Article keywords: Campus football Xinhe Village Primary School Chinese Football

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