Modern Financial News: CSL promotion ambassadors become advertising professionals?

As early as March, the British media relentlessly pointed out that Beckham [Weibo] The purpose of becoming the image ambassador of CSL is to win money, but he did not specify how to win money. After all, it only depends on the Chinese foot [Weibo] The reward offered by Xie is obviously unrealistic. As a result, the speech caused a response from the domestic media. However, Beckham has come to China twice, and people gradually find that his promotion is full of commercial flavor.

Chinese football has been stagnant, and it really needs a star with a healthy image to overcome the bad luck. However, since he came to China, several details in his every move have made him suspicious. For example, his usual gesture of putting his finger on his lips at the press conference will cause a burst of crazy shutter sound from the media. But almost half of the watches, one of Xiaobei's sponsors, will be exposed after each photo comes out, which is worth 270000 yuan. Of course, it is unnecessary to mention the plaid shirt that costs more than 1000 yuan. Xiaobei has worn it on many occasions. The reason why Sister Bei came to Beijing to participate in CCTV programs was partly to promote her new underwear brand.

What is more incomprehensible is that as a promotion ambassador, Beckham must interact with fans more, but most of the activities in China are carried out under closed conditions. The target of promotion seems to be professional players, clubs and sports departments. Due to the weakness of the organizers, the Tongji University trip, one of the few public interaction activities, became a tragedy. In Hangzhou, if it were not for Beckham's dedication, even fans would not get signatures even if they waited outside the hotel for several days and nights.

It is undeniable that Beckham's fame is naturally the result of long-term hard work, but his professionalism seems to have been guided off track. It is difficult to meet the interview requirements of local media, and the so-called official media coverage is also limited. Even though the attendance rate at Huanglong Stadium is the best in two seasons, many fans come to see Beckham just to see him. Since we can't advertise it, how can we promote it? Zheng Qiao


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