17:00, December 30 Article/ District Zhihang
Since it is an annual inventory, I always hope it will be presented at the last moment of the year. Because it is impossible to predict the occurrence and evolution of major problems, we always hope to make the inventory as complete as possible. Read the full text>>
16:11, December 5 Article/ District Zhihang
On December 3, 2016, China Photography News held a large and colorful film friends' gathering "Walking into Shenzhen" in Futian Hall, Futian District Party Committee Courtyard, Shenzhen. Read the full text>>
17:24, November 21 Article/ District Zhihang
The 2016 Lianzhou International Photography Annual Exhibition was held in Lianzhou, Guangdong Province from November 19 to December 9. This Lianzhou Annual Exhibition takes "no fun, no work" as its annual theme to explore the works that focus on the broader world problems through photography. The focus is on the era of commercialization. Because of the massive production and consumption of human society, people gradually become obsessed with the basic material needs after solving them Read the full text>>
12:08, October 29 Article/ District Zhihang
To create a work, it takes only 10 seconds to press the shutter, but it often requires a long wait for 10 seconds. So far, after all, more than 800 works have been created, and all kinds of imaginative and unimaginable situations are inevitable. Read the full text>>
16:50, October 27 Article/ Ruan Yizhong
Jagger and Veronica are two French teachers of the same age. When they were 35 years old, they suddenly felt that travel and exploration were better than sitting still, so they traveled around France in a horse drawn van. They ran thousands of kilometers, gave birth to four children, and founded a small circus called "Qiye". Photographer Shang Fangsiwa? Jean - Read the full text>>
16:30, October 27 Article/ Xu Lin
After looking at it, he only said one word to me: "Lao Xu, your news sensitivity is very good, your photos are good, but the content is too sensitive to use." I was the only media editor and photographer in the whole shopping mall who was interviewing and taking photos, and took exclusive news photos, but could not publish them. For photographers, they were very unhappy. Read the full text>>
11:12, September 27 Article/ Ruan Yizhong
Many Dutch photographers are truly "wandering Dutch", who love travel and photography (although not necessarily in this order). They are full of curiosity and bravery, dedicated to exploration and witness, and engaged in reflection and reporting. What can best describe the characteristics of Dutch photography is eclecticism, a visual melting pot with various international trends Read the full text>>
11:03, September 21 Article/ Ruan Yizhong
In December 1999, on the eve of Macao's departure from Portuguese colonial rule and its return to the Chinese regime, Photographer magazine introduced two local photographers, Li Yutian and Li Ruifen, who were in their prime. As the chief editor, I feel particularly gratified. Macao has always been neglected. When people refer to the Chinese living under different systems, they often say, "The Straits..." Read the full text>>

I honestly told her that I only remembered 50 negatives in my left chest pocket, and I felt sorry for their author Xiao Fang.

Li Mei and Yu Deshui sat by Lao Hou's bed and asked in a low voice from time to time to confirm some details of the works he handed over. I stood beside them and took a few photos. Tears could not stop falling.

Photos can be used for publication, and they can win prizes in competitions. Photos can bring utility, because professional photographers rely on photography to support their families. Survival is the first priority.

The poetic beauty of our life can be read far away. There is a mirror where you can see what you want.

Lao Yu put on his sunglasses, swallowed some saliva, moved his cheeks from side to side, and then tried to squeeze out a smiling face that was asymmetrical from side to side.

Some people question why men can casually bare their upper bodies, but women can't. Nadia Lee Cohen, a British female photographer, wants to know

During World War II, poster girls became new favourites, with bare legs, short shirts and swimsuits attracting the attention of men and women all over the world. A lot of people don't know

She came from the rural area of Huainan. At first, she worked as a part-time worker selling clothes in Hangzhou, and her salary was hard to support herself. She wants to make money and go back to her hometown to open a clothing store

Although China in 1946 has won the war of resistance against Japan, the baptism of the eight year war of resistance has left the whole country in a state of waiting for development

He kept his head down and never looked me in the eye. I could just sweep his leg in the passenger seat with the corner of my eye, and his leg was shaking

Under the guidance of the extreme left line, the disaster area "neither needs international support nor domestic donations", and proposed "1000 support, 10000 support, send

It is said that in Wang Lin's home in Luxi County, Pingxiang County, Jiangxi Province, the five storey villa alone occupies two floors of space

In the refugee camp, at the age of Motoyang, many people have children in their arms. Motoyang said that she didn't want to marry so early