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Do a good job of "precision" articles conscientiously (People's Forum)

Liu He
05:35, June 4, 2021 | Source: People's Daily
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Accuracy is an important epistemology and methodology. In late autumn 2013, when meeting with local cadres and masses on a flat ground in front of the black tile wooden building of the Miao family in Shibadong Village, Xiangxi, Hunan Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the concept of "targeted poverty alleviation" for the first time and made an important indication of "seeking truth from facts, adapting measures to local conditions, classified guidance, targeted poverty alleviation". The comprehensive implementation of the concept of targeted poverty alleviation has lifted nearly 100 million rural poor people out of poverty under the current standards, creating a miracle in the history of poverty reduction.

The concept of precision contains strong ideological momentum. "Check the pulse" of the causes of poverty, reflecting the dialectical materialism of proceeding from reality and insisting on seeking truth from facts; "Targeted treatment" should be implemented according to people and places, and different situations should be distinguished, which reflects grasping the main contradictions and the main aspects of contradictions; Stimulate endogenous power, and reflect the dialectical relationship between external and internal causes; Strengthen system integration, coordinate efforts, and promote as a whole to reflect the overall system thinking and overall thinking.

In March 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to Wuhan to inspect the situation and progress of epidemic prevention and control at the front line. At that time, there were 4701 severe and critically ill patients in Hubei, most of whom were complicated with basic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, so it was difficult to treat them. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "efforts should be made in scientific and accurate treatment to maximize the cure rate and reduce the death rate." In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic test, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core put forward the general requirements of "firm confidence, work together in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise measures" to precisely control and identify risk points Under the guidance of the concept of precision, China scientifically coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, becoming the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth last year.

The concept of precision reflects the unity of knowledge and practice, which is an art of combining thinking and practice. It has not only successfully guided the great practice of poverty alleviation, helped us to coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, but also reflected in all aspects of governance. Macro policies focus on precision, focus on precision, and effect depends on precision.

The world today is experiencing great changes that have not occurred in a century, and China is in the critical period of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In order to be honest and innovative and promote all work, it is particularly necessary to compact responsibilities and implement precise policies. In practice, it is not allowed to "bomb fleas with grenades", nor to "be too big and inappropriate to stand up to the truth, and it is unclear when it comes to accuracy". For the majority of Party members and cadres, only by thinking accurately and doing everything well, and truly making accurate, detailed and practical efforts, can they create real achievements, better keep their original intention and take responsibility for their mission.

"Great things in the world must be done carefully". The majority of Party members and cadres should start from the details and cultivate the mentality and style of doing small things as big things. At the same time, we should also accumulate tenacity and take out the spirit of nailing nails to implement. With a "big country" in mind, we should enhance our awareness of problems, adhere to the problem orientation, always shoulder, grasp, and focus on the issues that affect the vital interests of the masses, persevere, and make targeted efforts. Only in this way can we continue to climb the mountain and win the hearts of the people.

Our blueprint is magnificent, and our struggle will be arduous. To forge ahead on a new journey and face all kinds of foreseeable and unpredictable risks and challenges on the way forward, we only have to keep improving ingenuity and patience, conscientiously do a good job in "precision" articles, bravely shoulder heavy burdens, be good at doing well, and create new glories with hard work.

People's Daily (June 4, 2021, 4th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Hu Yongqiu, Tong Zongli)

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