Huoying Metro New Passage, Commemoration of Official Laziness

Article/Sina Column Observers

Huoying Metro New Passage, Commemoration of Official Laziness

The establishment of the "new channel" is more like a shame memorial, so that residents will never forget what our individual departments' work style and ability are like, and whether they really take the needs of the people seriously... Every day, thousands of people spend five minutes here to review history and learn "what is lazy politics", This is also a great "incentive" for a considerable number of our cadres.

Before the Labor Day, the new underground passage of Huoying Metro Station was finally repaired, and the problem of tens of thousands of people taking the subway (city railway) in several communities, such as Qisheng Homeland in the south, West Erli of Building Materials City, Fengdan Lishe, SOCO Commune and so on, was finally solved. Normally, this is a good thing, and it is also the achievement of the government departments in doing practical things for the people. However, if we look back at the history of the difficulty of taking the subway for residents in communities such as "Qisheng Homeland", we will find that the establishment of this "new channel" is more like a shame memorial, so that residents will never forget what our individual departments' work style and ability are like, and whether they really take the needs of the people seriously.

The new channel is just outside the Qisheng Homeland. The Huoying subway station is a wall away from the Qisheng Homeland in the south, the first two limited housing community in Beijing, across the railway. However, due to the lack of access, residents in and around Qisheng Homeland had to take a 40 minute bus detour to the subway station. In 2009, residents reported to relevant departments. By 2010, the Municipal Planning Commission had said that the passage would be completed simultaneously with Line 8 by the end of 2012. For the convenience of travel, the residents of Qisheng Jiayuan Community built a cement catwalk on the slope under the railway bridge between them at their own expense, known as the "bridge under the bridge". The bridge under this bridge is five or six meters from the ground, about one person wide, which is essentially an illegal construction. After the bridge was repaired around 2010, although there were potential safety hazards, the time for residents to travel from the community to the subway station was only about 10 minutes. That year, the scene of residents queuing to cross the bridge through snow caused a sensation in the media. In 2013, some people were robbed while walking through Huoying subway station, and the residents had to form their own guards. This was also reported by the media. In the process from 2009 to the completion of the Huoying subway station channel, the problem of difficult travel for residents has not been improved, and the relevant "progress" is all "wind" and "gossip". It seems that everyone is pinning their hopes on the so-called Line 8 planning in the future.

In fact, for residents, whether there is a new channel in Huoying subway station is not the most fundamental issue, but the fundamental issue is the government's work attitude, work style and work methods. In the face of a plan that has always been impossible to become a reality, whether our government departments have follow-up plans or emergency measures to temporarily ease the travel difficulties, at least to ensure the safety of these residents when they walk to build their own bridges, rather than relying on the residents themselves to solve everything - from the bridge under the bridge to the "guard team". In fact, if you want to change your image in the minds of the people and enhance their trust in yourself, the local government need not do many grand things: can the government pay to strengthen the bridge under the bridge instead of the residents; Can the government install more bright lights on the path leading to the subway station instead of building a "guard team" by the residents themselves; Can the government speed up the time of channel construction and put the plan into practice as soon as possible instead of being urged again and again by the residents? Perhaps the most reliable thing the relevant government departments have done in the past six years is not to demolish the "bridge under the bridge" built by the residents themselves in the name of illegal construction.

In the report of Beijing Youth Daily on April 30, Mr. Sun, the head of the Track Maintenance Management Division of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Road Affairs, said that the reason why the channel was not started until 2013 was mainly because of the need for coordination in planning, land use, construction funds and procedures in the early stage. The construction of the channel also took the opening of Line 8 as an opportunity. The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned from the staff of the subway that the original G4 was near the railway stockyard, and there were some difficulties in planning the land use. Mr. Sun said that the reason why it was not opened until May after the completion of the construction in January was that there were still many places to be commissioned and accepted after the completion of the early civil works. "Because of the high voice of the residents, the channel is now opened in advance." From the words of Mr. Sun, it is not difficult to imagine how the relevant departments can calmly "coordinate" with the construction unit in the face of the people's life problems. In the eyes of these departments, they only have their own interests, not the interests of the people, of course, not the country and society, because the people see the government, the political parties, the country It depends on the society. From this, I also thought of Premier Li Keqiang's anger at the delay of some ministries and local governments some time ago. Now in China, the central leadership has the determination and will to improve the lives of the people. The people have the requirements and ideas to change their lives, but everything is stuck in the middle of the small officials and officials. Because these people's lives are "small prosperity", their positions are stable, and although there are not many tickets, their lives will not be too bad, so more is better than less, The result is that the central government's decrees are difficult to implement and the people's lives are difficult to change - from this perspective, Premier Li Keqiang and the people are really comrades in arms in the trenches.

Premier Li Keqiang said that after the repair of the "heavy fists with knives" channel for mediocre politicians and lazy politicians, it took only five minutes for nearby residents to get to Huoying subway station, and the five minutes for residents to wait for six years. An owner who lives in Qisheng Homeland said to me, "I can't use it after the passage is repaired, because I bought a car." And how did a resident with two limited houses work hard to buy this car over the years? In the meantime, people can understand the bitterness. The solution to the problem of residents' travel difficulty is all based on the previous planning, and the urgent matter that makes residents anxious is treated in a "once and for all" way, without improving and promoting the details, which is basically lazy politics. The new channel of Huoying subway station that has just been accessible is the Memorial Hall of "Lazy Government". Every day, thousands of ordinary people spend five minutes here to review history and learn "what is lazy politics", which is also a great "incentive" for quite a number of our cadres.

This article was first published on the official account "Very Beijing" of the social section of Beijing Youth Daily.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

Article keywords: Huoying Metro metro Lazy politics

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