Wen Jiabao: I have only a few months to go into seclusion and hope people will forget me

08:44, November 22, 2012    Yangtze River network
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 Wen Jiabao Meets with Overseas Chinese Wen Jiabao Meets with Overseas Chinese

Wen Jiabao arrived in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, on the evening of the 20th for an official visit to Thailand. After leaving the airport, Wen Jiabao went directly to the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Thailand to meet with representatives of overseas Chinese in Thailand and deliver a speech.

Wen Jiabao: Fellow citizens, I have been looking forward to this meeting with Chinese and overseas Chinese for a long time. I felt very excited. I flew directly from the venue of the East Asia Summit in Phnom Penh to the headquarters of the Chinese people and came to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. I heard that the headquarters of Chinese overseas businessmen has a history of 102 years. The history of this Chamber of Commerce is actually the history of our Chinese and overseas Chinese striving for the motherland and the people. Here, I would like to express my high respect and gratitude to all Chinese and overseas Chinese. On behalf of the motherland and people, I would like to extend greetings and respect to Chinese and overseas Chinese all over the world.

I want to tell you that the motherland is strong - this is what the Chinese people, who have suffered a lot, have been looking forward to for a long time. Over the past 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially over the 30 years since the reform and opening up, China has undergone tremendous changes. In particular, over the 30 years since the reform and opening up, we are growing at an annual rate of 9%, and now we have become the second largest economy in the world. The life of urban and rural people has been improved, which is the result of the struggle of the people all over the country and also reflects the efforts of Chinese and overseas Chinese. We deeply understand that if a country wants to win its dignity in the world, it must not only have developed economy and strong scientific and technological strength, but also have the strength to improve national quality and morality. We must not only continue to maintain steady and rapid economic development, so that the motherland can become a modern country. In addition, we should build the country better, promote democracy and the legal system, achieve social fairness and justice, and ensure human freedom and rights, so that everyone can achieve comprehensive development. In order to achieve this goal, we need to continue to promote reform. Only a reform country can make progress, and only an open country can become rich and strong. We know this truth from practice. We still have a long way to go and arduous tasks ahead. We need to solve the problems of instability, imbalance, uncoordinated and unsustainable economic development through reform. We should narrow the gap between urban and rural development and regional development through reform, gradually solve the problem of excessive income distribution gap, so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of reform and opening up, and then realize the common prosperity of all people. We should eliminate social corruption through reform, improve the moral and cultural quality of the nation, and enable China to become a country with democracy, rule of law, fairness and justice. Our goal has been clear. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has just concluded successfully, setting the grand goal of doubling income and building a moderately prosperous society, and electing a new central collective leadership with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary. We have full confidence in China's future and its new leadership.

Comrades and compatriots, this is the last time I have met so many compatriots in an area where Chinese people live more intensively. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Chinese and overseas Chinese all over the world through you. I want to tell you that I will retire in a few months and retire to Linquan. It always seems to me that there are still many things to be done and many things to be done. However, I often silently recite two sentences of Qu Yuan in Li Sao. One sentence is: I am not regretful for my kindness even though I have died nine times. The other sentence is: I am innocent and I will die straight, so as to strengthen the former saints. These two sentences mean that even if I die nine times, I will not regret it. Even if I die, I will die honestly and honestly for my own innocence. I once said that I have been dedicated to my country for more than 40 years. I hope people will forget me - including Chinese and overseas Chinese - and forget me. But I will never forget the motherland and people, and tens of millions of overseas Chinese. I thank you again for keeping you waiting.


(Editor: SN025)

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