Yang Guoqing suggested that CAAC be incorporated into the Ministry of Transport after the Olympic Games

http://www.sina.com.cn 02:49, March 13, 2008 China Business Daily

Wang Fangjie, Lu Yuan

At the panel discussion of the CPPCC yesterday, two CPPCC members from CAAC, acting director Li Jiaxiang and deputy director Yang Guoqing, both talked about the organizational reform of CAAC. According to the reform plan of "large-scale system", CAAC will be merged into the Ministry of Transport and renamed as the National Civil Aviation Administration.

This institutional reform may be called a "return" for CAAC, because the Civil Aviation Administration, which was founded in 1949, was put under the leadership of the then Ministry of Transport in 1958. In 1962, the department was officially named "Civil Aviation Administration of China" and then was directly under the leadership of the State Council.

Both Li Jiaxiang and Yang Guoqing believe that the direction of this institutional reform is very correct, but we must consider how to deepen it and better implement it.

Yang Guoqing suggested that "the best way to integrate institutions like CAAC is to Olympic Games After that, the integration of CAAC into the organization integration of the Ministry of Transport involves many comprehensive departments, and it may be difficult to guarantee the completion of the Olympic aviation task in terms of capital and manpower.

In addition to making suggestions on the timing of CAAC's institutional reform, Yang Guoqing also made suggestions on the name of CAAC in the future. He said that the Civil Aviation Administration of China and its English abbreviation "CAAC" have already enjoyed a high reputation in the world. He suggested that the title of the Civil Aviation Administration of China should be retained instead of the "National Civil Aviation Administration".

Finally, Yang Guoqing stressed that the civil aviation industry has very special problems, which involve safety issues, not only flight safety but also air defense safety. In order to ensure the service quality of civil aviation and the safety of flight and air defense, the reform should be carried out steadily.

After the civil aviation took the road of enterprise in 1980 and the separation of airlines and airports in 1987, the latest reform was in 2002. In that year, the No. 6 Document of the State Council emphasized the separation of government and enterprise in the civil aviation industry, and established three airlines, namely, China Airlines, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines. Since then, CAAC has really implemented industry management, and the airport has been decentralized to the local government, which has changed the situation of being a referee and an athlete in the past.

However, Li Jiaxiang said frankly that although he had just worked in CAAC for two months, he still found many problems. First of all, everyone is unwilling to build an airport, which involves capital investment, and some airports suffer losses. The second is the problem of management talents. The third is safety responsibility.

Li Jiaxiang especially suggested that the airport should not be fully enterprise oriented, but rather public facilities. Instead, an airport administration should be established, that is, a public institution that undertakes management functions, and then the part of its business should be stripped off to form a company.

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