Official Reply of the State Council on the Revitalization Plan of Northeast China 08:01, August 8, 2007 Central Government Portal

   Official Reply of the State Council on the Revitalization Plan of Northeast China

Guo Han [2007] No. 76

Development and Reform Commission and Northeast Revitalization Office:

We have received your Request for Instructions on Submitting the Revitalization Plan of Northeast China (FGG [2007] No. 1674). It is hereby approved as follows:

1、 We agree in principle with the Plan for Revitalization of the Northeast Region (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). Please organize and implement it carefully.

2、 The implementation of the Plan should be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development and the major strategic thought of building a harmonious socialist society, adhere to reform and opening up and independent innovation as the driving force, accelerate the adjustment of economic structure and the transformation of growth mode, strengthen resource conservation and environmental protection, and strive to improve people's livelihood, Promote social harmony, and strive to build Northeast China into an important economic growth area with a high level of comprehensive economic development, an internationally competitive equipment manufacturing base, a national new raw material and energy security base, a national important production base for commodity grain, agriculture and animal husbandry, a national important technological research and innovation base, and an important national ecological security security guarantee area, Realize sound and rapid economic and social development in Northeast China.

3、 Further improve the regional cooperation and exchange mechanism and promote the smooth implementation of the Plan. We should break through the boundaries of administrative divisions and promote the rational allocation of resources and the rational flow of production factors. In accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, strengthening cooperation, optimizing resources, and common development, we should strengthen the contact and cooperation between the northeast region and other provinces (regions, cities), focus on promoting the economic and market integration of the northeast region, and form a coordination mechanism of regional cooperation, interaction, and win-win.

4、 The relevant departments of the State Council shall, according to their respective responsibilities, strengthen guidance, support, supervision and inspection of the implementation of the Plan. We should further implement and improve various policies and measures, increase policy support and financial transfer payments, and create a good policy environment for the revitalization of the old industrial base in the Northeast.

5、 The National Development and Reform Commission and the Northeast Revitalization Office should strengthen the tracking and analysis of the implementation of the Plan, organize the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the Plan, strengthen the connection with the national overall plan and relevant special plans, adjust the content and implementation steps of the Plan in a timely manner, and ensure the effective implementation of the Plan.

Revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China is a long-term and arduous historical task. All relevant parties should further enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency, attach great importance to, strengthen cooperation, strengthen confidence, make persistent efforts, forge ahead, and work hard to create a new situation for the revitalization of the old industrial bases in Northeast China.

The State Council

August 2, 2007

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