Interpretation of three highlights of people's livelihood 02:07, February 3, 2007 Golden Sheep - New Express

Interpretation of three highlights of people's livelihood

Balanced education to solve "school selection"

Excerpt from the original text: Consolidate and popularize compulsory education with high quality, and implement the construction project of standardized schools for compulsory education. We will vigorously develop high school education and expand the scale of running schools. We will standardize the development of private education. Fully implement the "sunshine project" for enrollment.

Interpretation: (Luo Weiqi, Director of the Provincial Department of Education) To promote the further balanced development of education is an effective way to solve the problem of school selection and the difficulty of getting a good school. At present, rural areas pay more attention to how to read books, while urban areas pay more attention to school conditions. In fact, in the case of unbalanced educational resources, it is probably unrealistic for parents to change their ideas. Who doesn't want their children to go to a good school? The top priority is to balance educational resources. As long as this is achieved, the market for "school choice" will gradually disappear.

In fact, parents should focus on finding the school that is most suitable for their children, because each school has its own characteristics, but it is unwise for many parents to let their children squeeze the so-called high-quality schools.

Increase investment in "liberation"


Extract from the original text: carry out the pilot reform of public welfare hospitals, improve the compensation mechanism of medical institutions, and strengthen the public service functions of public hospitals. Strengthen hospital management and medical market supervision, strengthen the construction of medical ethics, and create a harmonious doctor-patient relationship. We will implement the "famous doctors, famous departments, and famous hospitals" project of traditional Chinese medicine, and promote the introduction of traditional Chinese medicine into rural areas and communities.

Interpretation (Huang Xiaoling, Deputy Director General of the Health Department of Guangdong Province): Three meanings can be seen from the report: First, the people have the right to enjoy basic health security. As one of the livelihood issues, health care needs to be promoted by the government. From the report, we can see that the government has attached great importance to health care. In the future, it is necessary to ensure that hospitals are not for profit and increase investment in health care.

2、 Emphasize patient centered, put an end to arbitrary charges, and improve the quality and quality of medical services. By March of this year, medical institutions throughout the province will be checked for charges, and the phenomenon of arbitrary charges will be thoroughly checked.

3、 Promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine. To build Guangdong into a strong province of traditional Chinese medicine, we must strengthen support for traditional Chinese medicine.

Implement the benefit system of low rent housing

Abstract: Promote the healthy development of the real estate industry. We will implement the national real estate control policies to prevent housing prices from rising too fast in some areas. Guided by meeting the basic housing needs of the people, we will strengthen housing construction planning and adjust the housing supply structure. We will establish and improve the low rent housing system, improve and standardize the affordable housing system, and invigorate the second-hand housing market. We will standardize the order of the real estate market and strengthen the management of market transactions and information release.

Interpretation (Zhu Lieyu, deputy to the People's Congress of Guangdong Province): There are still many low-income people in our province, whose housing problem really deserves attention. After determining to solve their housing problem with the low rent housing system and the affordable housing system, the key is to focus on the implementation, so that the people who really should benefit will benefit. If the implementation rules are clear, how can people live in these houses, How to apply, how to supervise and ensure that some people are not allowed to encroach on these welfare benefits, and how to return these houses to the government after the income of some low-income people increases, etc; In addition, it is suggested that the cost of low rent housing should be announced to guide the price of the whole real estate market.

Digital NPC and CPPCC


● The provincial GDP reached 2596.855 billion yuan, an increase of 14.1% over the previous year, accounting for about 1/8 of the national total.

● The per capita GDP reached 3509 US dollars.

● Per capita disposable income of urban residents was 16016 yuan, up 8.4%.

● The per capita net income of rural residents was 5080 yuan, up 8.3%.

● Industrial enterprises above designated size realized a total profit of 195.8 billion yuan, up 24.8%.

● The total fiscal revenue from Guangdong exceeded 500 billion yuan, and the local general budget revenue was 217.5 billion yuan, an increase of 20.5%, hitting a new high in recent five years.

● Energy consumption per unit of GDP and energy consumption per unit of industrial added value further decreased on the basis of a year-on-year decrease of 2.7% in the first half of the year.


The main expected goals of economic and social development are: GDP growth of 9%, energy consumption per unit of GDP reduction of 3%, total emissions of major pollutants reduction of more than 2%, increase in the overall level of consumer prices of residents controlled within 3%, increase in local general budget revenue of 10%, urban registered unemployment rate controlled within 3.8%, and natural population growth rate controlled below 7.3%, The per capita disposable income of urban residents increased by 8%, and the per capita net income of rural residents increased by about 5.5%.

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