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  • How to select and use labor protection shoes in autumn and winter?

  • Edited by: Anonymous Revised on: November 22, 2019 16:50:05 Source: original website
  • Abstract: How to select and use labor protection shoes in autumn and winter?
  • about protective shoes I believe that many people are very impressed with its daily application, and it plays a very important role in the normal operation of our work or life. Many people still lack the understanding of its use and purchase, which will bring some inconvenience and insecurity to the work.


    Labor protection shoes are functional shoes, such as anti-skid, anti-static, wear-resistant and so on. Different labor protection shoes should be selected in different seasons. In addition, reasonable selection should be made according to the actual working state and environment. Like ordinary shoes, they have different seasons. The materials of labor protection shoes in autumn and winter are more rigorous than those in summer. Shoes have higher requirements than those in summer in terms of both appearance thickness and overall weight. In this way, the production should not only meet the daily work needs of workers, but also improve their work efficiency and effectively prevent feet from being affected by the weather.

    As the production requirements of labor protection shoes in autumn and winter are more strict, the amount of materials required is also more than other shoes, which may increase the burden on the feet of staff. Therefore, we need to be very careful and careful when choosing labor protection shoes in autumn and winter. We must try them out to ensure that our feet can move freely and easily. Then press and pinch the surface of the shoes to see if they are soft.

    Check or test the safety shoes carefully before using them. If they are not checked, there may be potential safety hazards. For example, when working in the acid and alkali environment, the damaged or cracked protective shoes are dangerous. After the use of the acid and alkali resistant labor protection shoes, they should also be properly kept and regularly cleaned and inspected. If shoes are found damaged, they should be repaired or replaced properly in time.

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