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  • The previous typhoon has not left yet, and the next typhoon "Libi" will come again

  • Edited by: Anonymous Revised on: August 14, 2018 10:06:23 Source: original website
  • Abstract: The previous typhoon has not left yet, and the next typhoon "Libi" will come again
  • One typhoon has gone, and another typhoon is coming again! On the 14th, Typhoon No. 14 "Capricorn" gradually moved away from Jiangsu, however, Typhoon No. 15 "Lipi" has a tendency to move into Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai again. It is expected that the wind and rain will cool down again from August 17 to 19 due to the "Li Pi".

    According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the center of "Lipi" was located about 1010 kilometers southeast of Kyushu Island, Japan, at 17:00 on the 13th, with the maximum wind force near the center of 10. It is expected that "Li Pi" will move to the northwest at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour, with little change in intensity.

    As "Li Pi" is a little far away from China, it will have no impact on China's sea areas in the next two days. However, if the forecast path is not adjusted, it will affect Jiangsu in the middle and later this week. Before the arrival of "Li Pi", Jiangsu will continue to be hot. On August 14, Jiangsu reverted to the cloudy mode, and the maximum temperature in most areas quickly rose to about 34 ℃. From August 15 to 16, the highest temperature in most areas is still around 34 to 35 ℃.

    Remind everyone that at present, it is still in the middle voltage, and we should still pay attention to sun protection and sunstroke prevention.

    1、 Symptoms of heatstroke

    1. Premonitory heatstroke

    Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, dizziness, thirst, palpitations, normal or slightly elevated body temperature may occur in a high temperature environment, and can be recovered after a short rest.

    2. Mild heat stroke

    In addition to the above symptoms, the body temperature is above 38 ℃, the face is flushed to pale, sweating, the skin is wet and cold, the blood pressure drops, and the pulse increases. After rest, it can return to normal.

    3. Severe heat stroke

    Also known as heat exhaustion, it is characterized by cold skin, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, dilated pupils, abdominal or limb spasm, fast pulse, often accompanied by fainting, coma, high fever, and even loss of consciousness.

    2、 Heat stroke treatment

    Quickly transfer the patient to a cool and ventilated place for rest. Drink a cool drink containing salt. Electric fan can be used for blowing, and cold compress can also be applied to the head;

    For those with mild heatstroke and dehydration, 0.9% sodium chloride injection can be used for intravenous drip, and the dosage depends on the specific situation.

    5% glucose normal saline or 706 generation plasma can be given to those who lose water due to heatstroke failure, and 0.9% sodium chloride solution can be used for those who lose sodium due to heatstroke failure.

    People with mild heatstroke and convulsion can drink salty drinks or take oral salt 2g/time for several consecutive times, with a total amount of 15g. For severe heatstroke and convulsion, 1000-3000ml of 5% glucose physiological saline can be used for intravenous drip, or 100-200ml of 3% sodium chloride solution can be used for intravenous drip.

    After the first aid, the seriously injured should seek medical advice in time to prevent further injury.

  • Address: The previous typhoon has not left yet, and the next typhoon "Libi" will come again
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