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  • Suggestions on safety production specifications in construction industry

  • Edited by: Anonymous Revised on: 2012-02-13 10:25:08 Source: original website
  • Abstract: Every project in the construction industry has a certain duration. Construction facilities and safety protection facilities have changed greatly from several months to several years. The safety input is not in place, the safety protection facilities at the construction site are not complete, and the safety measures and protection are not in place, labour protection appliance The distribution is not in place.
  • Suggestions on safety production specifications in construction industry

    Every project in the construction industry has a certain duration. Construction facilities and safety protection facilities have changed greatly from several months to several years. However, this time is relatively short. The operation of each part is also short. It is easy for the management and construction personnel to have a temporary idea. They are careless about the safety hazards such as the inadequate implementation of protective facilities during the construction. They think that it can pass if they make do. Every building from foundation piling, main works to roof decoration, Unsafe factors in different periods will change with the progress of the project. In view of these changes, construction safety protection facilities should also be constantly changed, supplemented and improved to ensure safe production.

    The project manager did not pay attention to the safety inspection, even the project manager did not organize the safety inspection work, only emphasized the safety verbally, but actually implemented it in the work, but managed to deal with it. Some did not pay attention to the opinions of the safety management personnel, and thought it was making a mountain out of a molehill. Some enterprise legal persons cannot fulfill their legal safety responsibilities in place. The safety input is not in place, the safety protection facilities at the construction site are not complete, and the safety measures and protection are not in place, labour protection appliance The distribution is not in place. Safety protection articles A defensive equipment necessary for personal safety and health in the production process plays an important role in reducing occupational hazards. The illegal acts of production safety found in the supervision and inspection are not implemented in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The safety management system of the construction unit is not perfect. The safety production rules and regulations of the construction unit are not perfect, and the safety supervision is not in place. The safety supervision and management departments at all levels have insufficient safety supervision on the responsible subjects of all parties. The contents of the system formulated cannot be practical and can not be seriously implemented. The safety education system is not perfect, the system content cannot be implemented, the safety education cannot be seriously organized and carried out according to the relevant laws and regulations, and the annual safety education for managers cannot play a role in improving the safety knowledge level of managers and employees. Even in the investigation, it was found that some construction units cheated on the education and training of employees, and did not carry out safety education at all. In daily management, safety inspection was also not carried out as required, there was no plan before the inspection, no specific basis during the inspection, and the problems found could not be rectified in place. In particular, the divisional works with major hidden dangers or whose safety measures could not be protected in place due to limited conditions were not paid attention to, and they should be severely investigated and punished.

  • Address: Suggestions on safety production specifications in construction industry
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