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  • Keep fire safety knowledge in mind during the May Day holiday

  • Edited by: zxb Modified on: 2011-04-29 15:05:39 Source: original website
  • Abstract: During the May Day holiday, people flow and logistics are concentrated, mass gatherings and outings are frequent, tourist attractions and historic sites are crowded, and commercial promotions are concentrated. Therefore, people in and out of these places should pay special attention to fire safety knowledge.
  • According to the national regulations, the May Day holiday of this year is from April 30 to May 2. When people take advantage of the May Day holiday or go shopping for entertainment, visit relatives and friends or travel, the flow of people increases, and accidents such as fires are very likely to occur. If you can remember some fire safety knowledge, you can prevent accidents and make your holiday more comfortable.

    Holidays have always been a period of high incidence of fire and other safety accidents. In order to ensure people's fire safety during holidays, the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security issued the Notice on Doing Well in Fire Safety and Security during the May Day holiday on April 28, requiring local fire departments to make every effort to ensure fire safety during the May Day holiday.

    During the May Day holiday, people flow and logistics are concentrated, mass gatherings and outings are frequent, tourist attractions and historic sites are crowded, and commercial promotions are concentrated. Therefore, people in and out of these places should pay special attention to fire safety knowledge.

    The following are nine necessary fire safety knowledge:

    1. Before self driving travel, the vehicle shall be repaired and maintained in advance, and the oil circuit, battery terminal and electrical circuit shall be checked to prevent short circuit.

    2. Before traveling, carefully check whether the gas valve, stove switch and electrical switch in the home are closed, especially after power failure, cut off the power supply in time before going out to prevent accidents after power restoration. Do not store disposable lighters, alcohol and other chemicals on the balcony to prevent deflagration.

    3. Be familiar with the environment. When you enter the shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, dance halls and other public places, you should pay attention to the positions of fire exits, emergency exits and fire extinguishers, so as to evacuate and extinguish the fire in time in case of accidents.

    4. If the elderly or children are left at home, remind the elderly not to smoke in bed, educate the children not to play with fire, and inform them of the emergency call number or contact information.

    5. Do not enter dangerous places. Do not enter the public places where construction and business are carried out at will; Do not set foot in the celebration place where fireworks and firecrackers are set off and hydrogen balloons are ready to fly; Consumption in dance halls, coffee shops, shopping malls and other places where fire-fighting facilities such as evacuation passages and emergency lighting do not meet the requirements. In addition, it is not allowed to smoke in places with combustibles or combustibles, smoke in bed, smoke after drinking or throw cigarette butts. Do not carry kindling in places with mountains and forests. Use open fire.

    6. Find a way out first. When you go out to play, you must pay attention to the directions and routes of the emergency exits, stairwells, and evacuation passages in advance after you stay in the hotel and hostel, check whether they are unblocked, and whether the fire-fighting equipment is complete, so as to ensure that you can escape from the fire scene in time in case of fire.

    7. When staying in hotels and restaurants or shopping and entertainment in shopping malls and public entertainment places, pay attention to the safety signs and the route of the safe passage, so as to leave safely in case of emergencies.

    8. When visiting tourist attractions, do not smoke in places where smoking is prohibited, and do not leave kindling behind. Keep a safe distance between vehicles and combustibles. Do not put gas lighters, air fresheners, mosquito killers and other inflammables and explosives that are likely to cause fire after being heated and expanded on the instrument panel.

    9. Do not take dangerous chemicals such as gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, paint, combustible gas and other vehicles.

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