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  • Correctly master nuclear protection knowledge

  • Edited by: zxb Modified on: April 1, 2011 13:00:10 Source: original website
  • Abstract: In the face of nuclear disasters, when people feel powerless, it is particularly important to popularize nuclear protection and nuclear protection. We should tell you some basic protection knowledge. Although Japan's nuclear disaster does not pose a threat to China, it is no harm to know more as basic knowledge.
  • At present, the risk of nuclear disasters in Japan is increasing, which is estimated to have a serious impact on Japan.

    In the face of nuclear disasters, when people feel powerless, it is particularly important to popularize nuclear protection and nuclear protection. We should tell you some basic protection knowledge. Although Japan's nuclear disaster does not pose a threat to China, it is no harm to know more as basic knowledge.

    The main hazard of a nuclear accident is to cause great damage to the environment. The impact on personnel is mainly acute and chronic radiation sickness caused by radiation exposure, and radiation damage to the skin. If contaminated food and water are inhaled or ingested, internal radiation will form in serious cases, which will affect the hematopoietic system, endocrine system, nervous system, and other acute or chronic damage. The basic principle is that high-energy particles emitted by nuclear radiation will affect the structure of DNA molecules in cells after entering the body, causing DNA mutation (or mutation), so that the protein synthesized by DNA does not have the original function, thus causing damage to the human body and causing cell canceration; At the same time, the variation of DNA can be long-term, so it will also affect the germ cells, resulting in corresponding symptoms of offspring, such as severe deformity.

    It is particularly important to take protective measures against the possible exposure routes to the public. For example, concealment is the simplest way to prevent external and internal radiation from an accident at an early stage. Concealment means hiding indoors and closing doors and windows before radioactive clouds arrive. Its protection performance depends on the type of buildings and building materials. For example, brick and concrete materials have good protection effects, while wooden houses in Japan have poor protection effects. The size of houses also has a certain impact on the protection effect. The bigger the house, the better the protection effect; Then there is evacuation. Personnel are evacuated from the area affected by the nuclear accident to a safe area. It is an emergency action taken to prevent external and internal radiation and non random effects in the early stage of the accident.

    Respiratory protection shall be taken when entering the shelter, the airtight performance of the shelter is poor, or there is a risk of inhalation during evacuation. available Anti-dust masks Its protective effect can reach more than 75%; In the absence of masks, paper towels, napkins and clothes can be used to cover the mouth and nose. If the mask or other protective materials are soaked, the protective effect is better.

    When entering the shelter and evacuating, the body surface shall be protected. You can use any clothing items such as hats, headscarves, raincoats, windbreakers, headgear, boots, etc., and can turn up the collar and put on a scarf, and tighten the cuffs and trouser legs to reduce body surface contamination. If you are worried about skin contamination, the best way is to take a shower; When there is no shower, the exposed parts of the body, such as the face, hands, neck, etc., can be washed with water, especially the parts with oily sludge, as well as the ears, nose, eyes, should be thoroughly scrubbed; About 90% of the contamination can be eliminated by washing with wet towel or clean water, and more than 95% of the contamination can be eliminated by scrubbing with soap; It is better not to use contaminated clothes temporarily, take them off carefully (to prevent skin contamination when undressing), stack them for a period of time and then use them again. If it is urgent to use detergent, 80% - 90% of the contamination can be removed.

    When radioactive substances leak, the environment will be contaminated, so that vegetables, fruits, and water sources will be contaminated with radioactivity, or milk can be contaminated with radioactivity by cattle eating contaminated pasture. Therefore, food and water should be controlled. Before control, monitoring should be carried out. When it is determined that there is contamination, the food or water should be stopped. It is necessary to provide food or water from the non contaminated area, or eat stored food and water. Cows should be kept in the cowshed and fed with stored feed. If there is no other non contaminated food source, and contaminated food must be eaten, the food should be decontaminated until it reaches the allowable level.

    Finally, people who may be exposed to excessive radiation should take stable iodine, which is an effective measure for public protection. Taking potassium iodate or potassium iodide is an effective measure to prevent thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine.

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