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  • Japan's nuclear radiation labor protection products made a windfall - detectors sold well

  • Edited by: zll Modified on: 2011-03-28 08:42:04 Source: Sina
  • Abstract: Whenever there is a major event, the first reaction of merchants is always whether they can find gold from it, which is the instinct of merchants to pursue profits. However, the Japanese earthquake and nuclear leakage also provided excellent opportunities for these businesses. Nuclear radiation related products were sold on a large scale, from nuclear radiation detectors to anti radiation bath salts, from anti radiation clothing to anti radiation health care products. As long as the anti radiation label could be put on it, the concept card was playing with a crackle.
  • Whenever there is a major event, the first reaction of merchants is always whether they can find gold from it, which is the instinct of merchants to pursue profits. However, the Japanese earthquake and nuclear leakage also provided excellent opportunities for these businesses. Nuclear radiation related products were sold on a large scale, from nuclear radiation detectors to anti radiation bath salts, from anti radiation clothing to anti radiation health care products. As long as the anti radiation label could be put on it, the concept card was playing with a crackle.

    The cheapest price for personal use is 300 yuan

    Among all the products related to nuclear radiation, the one that really belongs to nuclear radiation is probably the nuclear radiation detector. Nuclear radiation detector is a niche professional commodity, so it is difficult to see it in general stores. Only professional instruments and meters are sold in the market. Because of the small sales volume of this commodity, most of them are sold online. The reporter visited Huaqiangbei Instrument and Meter Market and found that there were indeed businesses selling the product, but they would make a label to hang on the shop surface, otherwise it would be difficult for ordinary people to find the instrument.

    A merchant selling nuclear radiometers told the reporter that they mainly sold nuclear radiometers in online stores. Recently, their sales have soared. They sold two or three nuclear radiometers in the previous month and 16 nuclear radiometers in March. Mr. Tang from the instrument store said that in addition to the increase in online sales of his personal dose nuclear radiation alarm, offline sales also soared this month, with about 100 or 200 units sold. Moreover, due to the hot sale of the instruments, the manufacturers are out of stock, and the price also goes with the market, rising from 900 to 1000 yuan to 1200 yuan.

    "Orders mainly come from Japan." Mr. Tang said that many buyers are Japanese living in Shenzhen or Japanese Chinese friends. They buy this instrument by sending it back to Japan for family or friends. Some Hong Kong people buy it, and some Chinese buyers use it themselves, mainly from Dalian and other northeast coastal areas near Japan. According to him, the former sales target of this instrument was the radiology department of hospitals or some research institutions, and few individuals bought it. In the last half month, almost all buyers were individuals.

    It is reported that there are more than 10 types of nuclear radiation detectors. The price of small detectors suitable for personal use ranges from 300 to 5500 yuan, but they have sold well in the near future.

    Anti nuclear radiation commodities are mostly speculation

    In addition to the nuclear radiation detector, most of the other nuclear radiation related products collected by the reporter are self hyped by playing concept cards. These goods include anti nuclear radiation clothing, anti nuclear radiation masks, anti nuclear radiation air purifiers, anti nuclear radiation health care products, anti nuclear radiation cosmetics and other categories. These goods have anti nuclear radiation labels, claiming to be anti nuclear radiation, but the price is very cheap, which is no different from other similar goods.

    To prevent nuclear radiation, the most important thing is to block radiation and dust, which can prevent radioactive elements from entering the body by wearing masks. Dust can be blocked by clothes. The anti nuclear radiation products advertised on the Internet are very deceitful. Don't take it seriously, otherwise, they will not have any effect and will waste money.

    Anti radiation clothing can be armed from head to toe, but the price is varied, as high as 30000 yuan, as low as 36 yuan more, and the price is also low for those with large sales Protective clothing The sales volume of anti nuclear radiation masks is also relatively large, with the lowest price less than 1 yuan. Generally, the price is concentrated at 3-5 yuan, while the price of professional anti nuclear radiation masks is about 4000 yuan. Of course, the products with lower prices have been the most popular recently.

    A labor insurance company in Shanghai told us that it had recently sold more than 3000 anti nuclear radiation masks.

    Shanghai Changwei labour protection appliance The person in charge of the company said that recently, the buyer safety hat There are many inquiries.

    And Miles labour protection appliance The head of the business department said that at present, the professional masks on the market are dust-proof and gas resistant, and they have never heard of being able to prevent nuclear radiation. "But if there is a mask isolation, it may also play a role in nuclear radiation." According to him, dozens of yuan Protective clothing They are all made of non-woven materials, which can be said to be disposable products. They can only play a role in protecting the dust, liquid, gas, dust, pesticide, etc. from shallow pollution, and do not work in heavily polluted areas.

    According to the introduction of the labor protection industry, most of the radiation protection products on the market now are concept brands. Even if they can really prevent radiation, they can only prevent electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, computers and other items, such as radiation protection clothing for pregnant women. Because there is no effective detection method and standard for radiation protection clothing in China, therefore, At present, most of the so-called anti nuclear radiation products sold well can be judged as false.

  • Address: Japan's nuclear radiation labor protection products made a windfall - detectors sold well
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