Shanghai Stock Exchange Index ----.--- --.---% Shenzhen Stock Index -----.--- --.---% Shanghai Securities Fund ----.--- -.---% Shenzhen Securities Fund ----.--- -.---%



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Rise and fall: ----- Increase and decrease: ----- Five minute ramp up: -----
Public Information of Baijia Baizhen Interest Rate Bond C (021263) Fund
Serial number three million eight hundred and thirty-five thousand five hundred and twenty-six
Fund code 021263
Date of announcement 2024-04-27
number one
title Announcement on the Effectiveness of the Fund Contract of Baijia Baizhen Interest Rate Bond Securities Investment Fund
Full text of information
1 Basic information of announcement
Fund name: Baijia Baizhen Interest Rate Bond Securities Investment Fund
Fund Abbreviation: Baijia Baizhen Interest Rate Bond
Fund main code 021262
Fund operation mode: contractual open-ended
Effective date of fund contract April 26, 2024
Name of Fund Manager: Baijia Fund Management Co., Ltd
Name of Fund Custodian Hengfeng Bank Co., Ltd
The announcement is made in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Securities Investment Funds, the Administrative Measures for the Operation of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds and the Baijia Baizhen
Fund Contract of Interest Rate Bond Securities Investment Fund, Prospectus of Baijia Baizhen Interest Rate Bond Securities Investment Fund
The funds of subordinate graded funds are referred to as Baijia Baizhen interest rate bond A Baijia Baizhen interest rate bond C
Transaction code of subordinate graded funds 021262 021263
2 Fund raising
The fund raising application was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission with the document number of ZJXK [2024] No. 506
The fund raising period is from April 22, 2024 to April 24, 2024
Name of capital verification institution: Zhongshen Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership)
Date of transfer of raised funds into the special fund custody account April 26, 2024
Total number of effective subscription households raised (unit: households) 265
Share level Baijia Baizhen interest rate bond A Baijia Baizhen interest rate bond C total
Net subscription amount during the raising period (unit: RMB) 410.00 200002210.00 200002620.00
Interest generated from subscription funds during the raising period (unit: RMB) ---
Raised shares (unit: share)
Valid subscription shares 410.00 200002210.00 200002620.00
Share of interest carry forward ---
Total 410.00 200002210.00 200002620.00
Including: fund manager operation during the raising period
Subscription of the Fund with Own Capital
Fund units subscribed (unit: shares) ---
Proportion in total fund shares ---
Other matters to be explained ---
Including: fund manager's
Subscription of the Fund by practitioners
Fund units subscribed (unit: shares) ---
Proportion in total fund shares ---
Whether the fund at the end of the raising period meets the requirements of laws and regulations
The condition for continuation is
Date of obtaining written confirmation for handling fund filing procedures with the CSRC April 26, 2024
Note: (1) Information disclosure fees, attorney fees, accountant fees and other fees incurred during the raising of the Fund shall be borne by the Fund Manager and shall not be paid from the Fund assets.
(2) The number interval for senior managers of the Fund Manager and heads of the Fund's investment and research departments to subscribe to the total number of Fund units is 0; The number range of total fund units subscribed by the fund manager of the Fund is 0.
3 Other matters needing prompt
Investors should inquire about their subscription confirmation through their sales outlets, and the specific business handling should follow the relevant provisions of each sales agency.
The Fund Manager officially begins to manage the Fund from the date when the Fund Contract comes into effect. The Fund Manager may, in accordance with the actual situation, decide the specific date on which the Fund begins to apply for subscriptions.
The Fund Manager shall handle the redemption within three months from the effective date of the Fund Contract.
After determining the start time of subscription and redemption, the Fund Manager shall announce the start time of subscription and redemption on the specified media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Administrative Measures for Information Disclosure of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds before the opening of subscription and redemption.
Baijia Fund Management Co., Ltd
April 27, 2024

Fund information type Fund establishment
Announcement source China Securities Journal
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