Shanghai Stock Exchange Index ----.--- --.---% Shenzhen Stock Index -----.--- --.---% Shanghai Securities Fund ----.--- -.---% Shenzhen Securities Fund ----.--- -.---%



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Latest Net Worth: ----- Yesterday's net worth: ----- Cumulative net value: -----
Rise and fall: ----- Increase and decrease: ----- Five minute ramp up: -----
Hang Seng China Enterprise Index (RMB) (968007) Fund Public Information
Serial number three million six hundred and eleven thousand and sixteen
Fund code nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand and seven
Date of announcement 2023-12-04
number one
title Hang Seng China Enterprise Index Fund Notice on Revision of Prospectus 20231204
Full text of information Hang Seng Select Fund Series - Hang Seng China Enterprise Index Fund ("the Fund")
This is an important document. Investors must pay attention to it in real time. If investors have any questions about the contents of this announcement, they should seek independent and professional opinions.
Unless otherwise specified, the terms used in this announcement shall be similar to those defined in the "Hang Seng Selected Fund Series - Hang Seng China Enterprise Index Fund Prospectus"
Same meaning.
Investors should note that investment involves risks (including possible loss of investment principal), the net value of fund units can rise or fall, and past performance cannot be used as a future statement
Current guidelines. Before making any investment decision, investors should read the "Hang Seng Selected Fund Series - Hang Seng China Enterprise Index Fund Prospectus" ("Prospectus") carefully
Prospectus "), Hang Seng China Enterprise Index Fund Product Information Summary (" Product Information Summary "), Trust Deed and other relevant laws
The details contained in the documents and announcements, including the main risks of investing in the Fund, the special risks to mainland investors and the relevant information about the Fund as the Hong Kong mutual recognition basis
Gold's unique risks.
The Fund is a public expenditure in the Mainland after being registered by the China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC") in accordance with the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Mutual Recognition Funds in Hong Kong
Hong Kong mutual fund sold. However, the registration of the Fund by the CSRC does not indicate that it has made a substantive judgment on the investment value and market prospects of the Fund or
The guarantee does not mean that there is no risk in investing in the Fund.
Announcement on Revision of Prospectus
The Prospectus of the Fund shall be revised from the date of this announcement.
1、 Revision of Prospectus
1. On August 21, 2023, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Circular on Continuing the Implementation of Stock Market Transactions in Shanghai and Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Hong Kong
Announcement on the Individual Income Tax Policy of the Interconnection Mechanism and Mutual Recognition of Funds between the Mainland and Hong Kong (Announcement 2023 of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the CSRC
No. 23, 2000). According to the announcement, the income from the transfer of price difference obtained by mainland individual investors through mutual recognition of the Fund's shares is temporarily exempted from collection
The period of individual income tax will be extended to December 31, 2027. Hereby, we will review the "About Hang Seng Selected Fund Series - Hang Seng China" in the Prospectus
Under "2. Relevant tax arrangements" in Part II "Special instructions for mutual recognition funds in Hong Kong" of the Supplementary Prospectus for the sale of enterprise index funds in the Mainland
The section "Income tax" of has been updated.
2. Under the Hong Kong Stamp Duty (Amendment) (Transfer of Securities) Bill 2023, which takes effect on November 17, 2023, Hong Kong stock transaction stamp
The tax rate was reduced from 0.13% to 0.1%. Hereby, we will review the "About Hang Seng Selected Fund Series - Hang Seng China Enterprise Index Fund" in the Prospectus
"Stamp tax" under "2. Relevant tax arrangements" in Part II "Special instructions for Hong Kong mutual recognition funds" of the Supplementary Instructions for Sales in the Mainland
Section 1 and the last paragraph of the "Hong Kong" section of the "tax and regulatory provisions" in the "Hang Seng Select Fund Series Fund Prospectus"
The reduction of stamp duty rate was updated.
For details of the above amendments, please refer to the "Amendment to the Prospectus of Hang Seng Selected Fund Series - Hang Seng China Enterprise Index Fund" attached to this announcement
And carefully read the Prospectus of the Fund.
2、 Important tips
1. Investors should carefully read the website posted on the mainland agent of the Fund before handling fund transactions( )The Fund's "Recruitment"
The Prospectus, Product Data Summary, Trust Deed and other relevant legal documents and announcements, and ensure compliance with their provisions.
2. The Fund, as a Hong Kong mutual recognition fund, is sold publicly in the mainland, and its investment operation, risk characteristics, and application of laws and regulations are different from those of the mainland fund products,
Investors are kindly requested to carefully read the above-mentioned legal documents and announcements of the Fund (including the risk disclosure contents therein) and make investment decisions carefully.
3. Investors can call the customer service hotline 95533 of the fund's mainland agent or through the fund's mainland agent's customer service e-mail Inquire about relevant matters, or visit the website of the Fund's mainland agent( )Query.
The Fund Manager shall bear full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this Announcement on the date of its publication.
It is hereby announced.
Fund Manager: Hang Seng Investment Management Co., Ltd
Mainland agent: China Construction Bank Corporation
December 4, 2023
Fund information type other
Announcement source China Securities Regulatory Commission
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