
-    -

Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Historical data:   two thousand and twenty-four    two thousand and twenty-three    two thousand and twenty-two    two thousand and twenty-one    two thousand and twenty    two thousand and nineteen    two thousand and eighteen    two thousand and seventeen    two thousand and sixteen    two thousand and fifteen    two thousand and fourteen    two thousand and thirteen    two thousand and twelve    two thousand and eleven    two thousand and ten    two thousand and nine    two thousand and eight    two thousand and seven    two thousand and six    two thousand and five    two thousand and four    two thousand and three    two thousand and two    two thousand and one    two thousand  
  one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine    one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight    one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven    one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six    one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five    one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four    one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three  
Financial indicators of Shenyang Chemical (000698)
Report date 2004-12-31 2004-09-30 2004-06-30 2004-03-31
Index per share
Diluted earnings per share (yuan) zero point one zero one two zero point one two two two zero point zero seven three nine zero point zero three five three
Weighted earnings per share (yuan) -- -- -- --
Earnings per share _ after adjustment (yuan) -- -- -- --
Earnings per share after deducting non recurring profits and losses (yuan) zero point zero nine one seven zero zero point zero six one zero
Net assets per share _ before adjustment (yuan) three point six two three four four point zero six four point zero one four seven four point zero five four five
Net assets per share _ after adjustment (yuan) three point zero four six three point four seven three point four three three point four four three
Operating cash flow per share (yuan) zero point seven six nine eight zero point three four seven zero point two one zero eight zero point one four four six
Capital reserve per share (yuan) one point three one six seven one point three one six two one point three one six two one point three two zero eight
Undistributed profit per share (yuan) zero point three seven six nine zero point seven one seven zero point six seven zero eight zero point six eight zero four
Adjusted net assets per share (yuan) two point nine zero two three point two three three point one seven three point two one
Profit rate of total assets (%) one point three nine two one point five three four six zero point nine five two one zero point four five six one
Profit rate of main business (%) thirteen point zero six seven thirteen point four three three nine thirteen point eight zero three three thirteen point six three nine eight
Net profit rate of total assets (%) one point three five six one one point five six five one zero point nine five eight eight zero point four five eight nine
Cost profit rate (%) two point eight seven seven three two point eight seven four one three point zero eight three two two point eight three zero eight
Operating profit margin (%) three point two eight zero five three point one one three eight three point one zero three three two point eight four six six
Cost rate of main business (%) eighty-four point one six two nine eighty-three point seven four six four eighty-three point one eight eighty-three point one nine six four
Net profit rate of sales (%) one point four four four two two point two four four three two point one five six five two point one two three seven
Return on equity (%) two hundred and fifty-one point four nine eight four two hundred and seventy-four point zero nine three six two hundred and fifty-nine point four three two hundred and forty-five point one six four five
Return on net assets (%) sixty-nine point four zero eight nine sixty-seven point five one sixty-four point six one nine four sixty point four six seven
Return on assets (%) thirty-four point five nine one eight thirty-four point four one two two thirty-three point four one five eight thirty-one point six three eight seven
Gross profit rate of sales (%) fifteen point eight three seven one sixteen point two five three six sixteen point eight two sixteen point eight zero three six
Proportion of three expenses nine point eight one one eight ten point four eight eight two ten point nine two three three ten point nine two six seven
Proportion of non main business -9.1264 -3.4957 two point eight two four eight zero point six nine nine
Proportion of main business profit four hundred and sixty-nine point four one four nine four hundred and eighty-one point six zero four two four hundred and sixty point nine six two three four hundred and ninety-five point two eight
Dividend payout rate (%) zero zero point one nine two two zero point five three five six zero point six six four seven
Return on investment (%) seven point nine three five one seven point six eight five four four point four eight five two two point one zero seven eight
Main business profit (yuan) three hundred and eighty-six million seven hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-two point five eight three hundred and nine million forty-three thousand four hundred and sixty-two point nine one hundred and ninety-nine million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand two hundred and fifteen point eight two ninety-five million eight hundred and ninety-three thousand four hundred and seventy-nine point six five
Return on net assets (%) three point two zero nine three point two one point eight nine zero point eight eight
Weighted return on net assets (%) three point one seven zero one point nine one zero
Net profit after deducting non recurring profit and loss (yuan) thirty-eight million seven hundred and thirteen thousand six hundred and ninety-four zero twenty-five million seven hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and seventy point six eight zero
Growth ability
Growth rate of main business income (%) nineteen point four one zero six twenty-two point four two zero seven fourteen point four two three eight thirteen point one zero seven three
Net profit growth rate (%) -20.9977 twelve point five one zero five twenty-six point six three two four thirty-seven point eight nine three seven
Net asset growth rate (%) -8.7781 one point zero nine eight four one point two two five one two point two four seven five
Growth rate of total assets (%) -5.0216 three point three nine zero nine four point eight five nine three nine point three seven one six
Operating capacity
Turnover rate of accounts receivable (times) fifteen point one one two three nine point zero zero five five five point seven nine six eight two point seven nine one
Days of turnover of accounts receivable (days) twenty-three point eight two one seven twenty-nine point nine eight one seven thirty-one point zero five one six thirty-two point two four six five
Days of inventory turnover (days) forty-one point two zero zero eight forty-two point five eight four seven forty-three point five eight nine nine forty-three point six seven zero two
Inventory turnover rate (times) eight point seven three seven seven six point three four zero three four point one two nine four two point zero six zero nine
Fixed assets turnover rate (times) one point six two two seven one point three one one six zero point eight four four two zero point four zero eight eight
Total asset turnover rate (times) zero point nine three nine zero point six nine seven three zero point four four four six zero point two one six one
Total asset turnover days (days) three hundred and eighty-three point three eight six six three hundred and eighty-seven point two zero seven eight four hundred and four point eight five eight three four hundred and sixteen point four seven three nine
Current assets turnover rate (times) two point nine two seven two two point one three six eight one point three six three three zero point six five three three
Current assets turnover days (days) one hundred and twenty-two point nine eight four four one hundred and twenty-six point three five seven two one hundred and thirty-two point zero three two six one hundred and thirty-seven point seven six two one
Turnover rate of shareholders' equity (times) one point eight four five two one point three five six one zero point eight five eight three zero point four one four seven
Debt service and capital structure
Current ratio zero point six eight nine one zero point seven nine one seven zero point eight two five eight zero point eight six nine three
Quick ratio zero point four eight two zero point five five five one zero point five nine one zero point six four zero nine
Cash ratio (%) eight point seven nine five two seven point seven nine three two eleven point two zero eight eight sixteen point three six four nine
interest coverage ratio two hundred and ninety-eight point two three two hundred and ninety-one point seven seven zero one two hundred and ninety-eight point six two six three two hundred and seventy-one point seven one five six
Long term debt to working capital ratio (%) -0.2982 -0.752 -1.083 -1.4801
Shareholders' equity ratio (%) forty-nine point eight three seven seven fifty point nine seven three five fifty-one point seven one one seven fifty-two point three two three nine
Long term debt ratio (%) four point two five two four six point four seven five eight seven point four six seven seven point four eight two one
Ratio of shareholders' equity to fixed assets (%) eighty point one one three five ninety-six point eight eight four two one hundred point two one seven five one hundred point six two eight eight
Debt to owner's equity ratio (%) one hundred point six five one five ninety-six point one eight zero three ninety-three point three seven nine seven ninety-one point one one seven four
Ratio of long-term assets to long-term funds (%) one hundred and twenty-six point four five one hundred and seventeen point zero eight five six one hundred and thirteen point seven three seven seven one hundred and ten point nine nine four six
Capitalization ratio (%) seven point eight six one seven eleven point two seven two one twelve point six one seven seven twelve point five one zero six
Net value ratio of fixed assets (%) sixty-five point two zero two five sixty-one point five four two three sixty-one point three eight one eight sixty-two point five one one eight
Fixed capital ratio (%) one hundred and thirty-seven point two three nine four one hundred and thirty-one point nine six zero four one hundred and thirty point one six one one one hundred and twenty-six point eight six six three
Equity ratio (%) one hundred point five five five six ninety-three point eight one seven ninety point nine nine one four eighty-eight point two one two one
Liquidation value ratio (%) one hundred and ninety-six point three five five eight two hundred and two point two three zero nine two hundred and five point three zero two one two hundred and nine point two two five six
Proportion of fixed assets (%) sixty-two point two zero eight eight fifty-two point six one two eight fifty-one point five nine nine five fifty-one point nine nine six nine
Asset liability ratio (%) fifty point one six two three forty-nine point zero two six five forty-eight point two eight eight three forty-seven point six seven six one
Total assets (yuan) three billion seventy-one million ninety-four thousand four hundred and twenty-one point four three billion three hundred and sixty-four million four hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and nine point eight six three billion two hundred and seventy-nine million four hundred and thirty thousand five hundred and fifty-seven point four three billion two hundred and seventy-three million one hundred and eighty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-four point three one
cash flow
Ratio of net operating cash flow to sales revenue (%) zero point one zero nine nine zero point zero six three seven zero point zero six one five zero point zero eight six nine
Return on operating cash flow of assets (%) zero point one zero five nine zero point zero four three six zero point zero two seven one zero point zero one eight seven
Ratio of net operating cash flow to net profit (%) seven point six zero six six two point eight three eight nine two point eight five one five four point zero nine one one
Net operating cash flow to debt ratio (%) zero point two one one one zero point zero eight eight nine zero point zero five six two zero point zero three nine one
Cash flow ratio (%) twenty-three point zero eight seven four ten point five three six eight six point eight five eight two four point eight two five three
Other indicators
Short term stock investment (yuan) -- -- -- --
Short term bond investment (yuan) -- -- -- --
Other short-term operating investment (yuan) -- -- -- --
Long term stock investment (yuan) thirty million three hundred and seventy-three thousand nine hundred and seventy-two point five one thirty-nine million eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-four point six three thirty-eight million six hundred and thirty-eight thousand four hundred and eighty-nine point zero four thirty-seven million seven hundred and seventeen thousand nine hundred and fourteen point one six
Long term bond investment (yuan) zero zero zero zero
Long term other operating investment (yuan) zero zero zero zero
Accounts receivable within one year (yuan) -- -- -- --
Accounts receivable within 1-2 years (yuan) forty-four million eight hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred and eighty-nine point seven five -- forty-three million five hundred and fifteen thousand seven hundred and forty-eight point zero two --
Accounts receivable within 2-3 years (yuan) eleven million four hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred and eighty-five point four nine -- twenty-eight million two hundred and thirty-five thousand two hundred and forty-eight point one nine --
Accounts receivable within 3 years (yuan) -- -- -- --
Prepayment for goods within one year (yuan) -- -- -- --
Prepayment for goods within 1-2 years (yuan) four million fifty-one thousand seven hundred and twelve point five seven -- forty-six thousand three hundred and sixty --
Prepayment for goods within 2-3 years (yuan) -- -- -- --
Prepayment for goods within 3 years (yuan) -- -- -- --
Other receivables within 1 year (yuan) -- -- -- --
Other receivables within 1-2 years (yuan) two million sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-four point six -- eighteen million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight point five two --
Other receivables within 2-3 years (yuan) fifteen million two hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and forty-six point three two -- six million one hundred and seventeen thousand one hundred and fifty-six point three nine --
Other receivables within 3 years (yuan) -- -- -- --
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