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640000 yuan for men to buy Volvo for 3 days with oil leakage, and use rope to pull cars to parade 20:43, January 19, 2015 Huashang Website - Huashang Daily   Font size: large    in    Small

China Business News (reporter Jing Ji) At about 3:00 pm yesterday (January 5), in front of the Tianrun Volvo 4S store in Chanba Auto Theme Park in Xi'an, five strong men dragged a thick rope and a brand new Volvo XC60 SUV "strolled". What was the matter?

 640000 yuan for men to buy Volvo for 3 days with oil leakage, and use rope to pull cars to parade 640000 yuan for men to buy Volvo for 3 days with oil leakage, and use rope to pull cars to parade

Mr. Wang, the owner of the car, said that because the newly bought car leaked oil on the third day after driving home, he had to negotiate with this 4S store for many times without any results, so he made this decision.

   The imported car that cost 640000 yuan leaked oil in three days

Mr. Wang introduced that on November 26, 2014, he ordered a fully imported top equipped Volvo XC60 SUV at the Tianrun Volvo 4S store. On December 27, after completing the formalities, he spent a total of about 640000 yuan. That night, he drove his car back to his hometown in Shiquan County, and played at his relatives' home for two days. It was found that the new car leaked oil, "about the size of a slap, dripping on the cement floor, which looks very obvious."

Mr. Wang found that the engine was leaking oil, so he quickly called the Tianrun Volvo 4S store for rescue. In the early morning of December 30, the staff of the Tianrun Volvo store transported the problem SUV back to the store for inspection.

"The car has only been in my possession for three days, and the current mileage is 442 km. I didn't expect this situation to occur." Later, in the negotiation with the Tianrun Volvo 4S store, Mr. Wang proposed to return or replace the car, "even if I return a little less money or I add 20000 yuan to replace a new car, the 4S store said that I would not return or replace it."

Yesterday afternoon, at the entrance of the Tianrun Volvo store, Mr. Wang opened the engine hood and the engine protective cover. The reporter of the Chinese Business Daily saw that there were signs of oil dripping on the right end of the engine. Through the gap, we could also see that there were some traces of oil stains on the metal shell of the engine.

   The dealer said the oil leakage did not affect the safety of the vehicle

Yang Li, the sales manager of Tianrun Volvo 4S store, said: "The preliminary analysis is that the engine cylinder head seal is not tight enough to cause oil leakage, but it is still uncertain what causes the seal to be loose." He said that judging from their professional perspective, the current oil leakage problem will not affect the safe use of vehicles. He said: "According to the relevant laws and regulations on the three guarantees of household cars, this car does not meet the return and replacement standards. In addition to extending the warranty for one year and providing two free maintenance, we will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the car later and provide VIP tracking services."

At present, the two sides are still further negotiating on the solution.

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