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Agricultural weather forecast in June

According to the forecast, there will be more precipitation in the next three days, and the local land volume is large, which will easily lead to waterlogging in low-lying farmland. At the same time, the precipitation period is not suitable for carrying out agricultural activities such as dry field inspection, weeding and shoveling, and pesticide and fertilizer spraying in paddy fields

Agrometeorological information more

Agrometeorological information in June

It is estimated that there will be many rainy days in the next 7 days. From 14 to 16, the whole province has a shower or thunderstorm weather, with moderate rain in the north central region and local heavy rain; On 19-21, there was moderate to heavy rain in the central region from south to north, and local rainstorm

Agrometeorological Monthly Report more

Monthly agrometeorological report in May

The temperature in May is close to the normal year, and there is a lot of precipitation. The meteorological conditions are favorable for the planting and emergence of crops in most agricultural areas, as well as the transplanting and rejuvenation of rice. Up to now, the crops have grown well, mainly Class 1 and Class 2 seedlings. The soil drought has weakened

Special report on food security services more

Special report on meteorological services for food security

From June 7 to 13, the temperature is normally slightly lower, and there is more precipitation, which is conducive to increasing soil moisture in the west and north, and alleviating the drought in the west. The precipitation in the central and eastern regions is more than 50 mm, more than twice as much as that in the normal years. The soil is wet, and low-lying plots

Agrometeorological ten day report more

Agrometeorological ten day report in late April

In late April, the temperature is slightly lower and the precipitation is more. The first half of late April is conducive to spring ploughing and spring sowing of corn and soybean dryland crops, and is conducive to the growth of rice seedlings. In the second half of the year, the temperature is low and the precipitation is high, so spring ploughing in dry fields such as corn and soybeans

Soil moisture monitoring bulletin more

Bulletin of soil moisture monitoring in March

The results of soil moisture measurement on February 28 showed that the dry range of the topsoil (0~10cm) was small, and the dry areas were scattered in the agricultural areas of our province, the range was less than last year and nearly five years; The waterlogging area is mainly located in the south and east

Agricultural policy more

Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on implementing the strategy of rural revitalization
The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy is a major decision and deployment made at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a major historical task to build a well-off society in an all-round way and a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and a general plan for the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in the new era

Agricultural science and technology more

Upper control irrigation technology for 18.58 million mu of rice in our province
Compared with the traditional rice planting method, the controlled irrigation technology has the advantages of water-saving, yield increase, and strong disease resistance of rice. It can also improve the efficiency of fertilizer utilization and reduce the pollution of fertilizer on groundwater, drainage areas, and soil environment. Rice

Bulletin of Agrometeorological and Ecological Monitoring more

Agrometeorological information in July

From July 4 to July 10, the temperature was relatively high, the water condition was suitable, and the sunshine was slightly insufficient. The agrometeorological conditions could meet the needs of crop growth. All major crops grew well, mainly Class I and II seedlings; Hail, wind

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