
Schizophrenia is the most common disease characterized by basic personality change, division of thinking, emotion and behavior, and disharmony between mental activities and the environment. It is the most common, difficult to describe, and most difficult to make a complete definition of severe psychosis. The cause of schizophrenia is unknown so far. There are about 21 million schizophrenics around the world. This disease affects perception, cognition, behavior and emotion. In places where health and social services cannot provide support, schizophrenics and other serious mental diseases make patients excluded, abandoned to the edge of society, without access to employment, or even homeless.

There have been some misunderstandings about schizophrenia among the people. Some patients' families will feel ashamed and even lock up the patients. Some patients once said, "It's not me but the world that has gone wrong." In fact, they are just sick, and they are just helpless ordinary people struggling with the disease. In this issue, we will find some films and TV works with the appearance of "schizophrenia", to understand the disease, as well as the pain and thinking it brings.



Schizophrenia: complicated causes

Film status: the main character has suffered psychological trauma

Shutter Island: American film of 2010

The wife of the main character Teddy Daniels (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is suffering from severe depression and drowns his three children in the lake. Teddy is devastated and shoots his wife to death. He had suffered major trauma in World War II, and experienced this major blow. He was also mentally disturbed.

Stranger of K Star 2001 American and German films

The protagonist Robert (Kevin Spacey, played by Kevin Spacey) can't bear the reality when his wife is raped and his daughter is brutally killed. He constructs a virtual alien world called K-PAX, and he is Prot from this planet.

Fact analysis

The etiology of schizophrenia is still unknown. The role of genetic factors and environmental factors in the occurrence of schizophrenia is supported by more scientific data. It is generally believed that in addition to individual genetic and physical reasons, family growth environment, living environment and some life events can induce schizophrenia. [ detailed ]

Common symptoms of schizophrenia: hallucinations and delusions

Film status: many plots are fantasized by the protagonist

Black Swan: 2010 American Film

Nina (Natalie Portman), a ballet dancer, constantly exerts pressure on herself in order to play the pure white swan and the evil black swan at the same time, and her spirit gradually collapses. She often has hallucinations. In the mirror, she sees another self, another dancer Lily, competing with her for the role. In the final performance, she sees Lily competing for the role of black swan, and hysteria takes place, which finally kills her.

Mulholland Road, 2001 American and French films

Diana (Naomi Watts, played by Naomi Watts) kills her homosexual lover Camilla because of a hired killer, and her mind begins to collapse. She hallucinates that Camilla is not dead, but has lost her memory. They re recognize each other and begin to search for a journey of memory. Dreams and reality interlace, and finally end their lives in imagination.

Fact analysis

Hallucinations and delusions are common mental symptoms of schizophrenic patients. TA people are blind to their own illusory perception, or believe in false beliefs. They do things regardless of consequences, which makes people caught off guard. This is why most people feel afraid, afraid, or even shy away from mental patients. In fact, some patients are slow onset, often not understood as mental patients by people around them in the early stage, and often show some symptoms. [ detailed ]

Schizophrenia: High IQ may be more susceptible to disease

Film status: Most of the protagonists are thoughtful and intelligent

Beautiful Mind, 2001 American film

This is a biography of John Forbes Nash Jr., the great mathematician of the 20th century. John Forbes Nash, Jr., was troubled by schizophrenia. However, when he was a graduate student, he published the famous game theory. Although the theory was only 26 pages long, it had a profound impact in the economic, military and other fields. Mikhail Gromov, a geometer, called it the "most outstanding mathematician" in the second half of the 20th century.

Stranger of K Star 2001 American and German films

The protagonist Robert (Kevin Spacey, played by Kevin Spacey) fantasizes about constructing a virtual alien world called K-PAX, and he is Prot from this planet. However, he is familiar with the geography and languages of various countries in the world, and can even predict the true size, shape, orbit of K-PAX, and even the specific information of some other planets he "visited". He also invented his own language, pax-o, which shocked even the top astronomers.

Fact analysis

Scientists have found that people with creativity and high IQ are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Scientists' research on 16 year old boys in Sweden found that people with high intelligence are more likely to suffer from psychological diseases. [ detailed ]

Equal attitude and respect for schizophrenia patients

The prevalence of schizophrenia is not high, but because of the high disability rate and the tendency to cause accidents and kill people, people tend to "tremble when hearing about mental illness". But in fact, many patients will cause harm to the surrounding people and society, not as many as people say.

If you are sick:

Learn about diseases.

Actively cooperate with treatment and medication, and pay attention to diet.

Soothe the mood at the right time and keep a peaceful mood.

If someone around you is sick:

Maintain an equal attitude, respect and care for patients, treat patients with modesty, enthusiasm and kindness, and never discriminate, satirize or tease patients.

We should treat patients with good cultivation and patience. Due to the heavy psychological burden and bad mood of patients, they are prone to emotional excitement, irritability, and even abusive behavior. In this regard, we should remain calm and avoid arguing with them. We should comfort and forgive them.

The most important thing is to treat schizophrenia correctly and objectively. More understanding and tolerance between people[ detailed ]