Research shows that shaving can promote the blood circulation and metabolism of the face, help eliminate facial wrinkles, make men look young, and is more conducive to facial cleaning, accelerate the shedding of discarded cells, and increase the vitality of jaw muscles. But this seemingly ordinary thing is not easy to do well. Maybe a little carelessness will harm your health

Why not shave before sports

During exercise, the blood circulation of the body is accelerated, and a lot of sweat will be produced, which will stimulate the skin just scraped, causing discomfort, even infection.

What's the harm of shaving before bathing

Many people like shaving before bathing, but this is actually not good because the skin just shaved has many invisible micro trauma and is more sensitive. At this time, bathing immediately, bath solution, shampoo, hot water and other stimuli are likely to cause discomfort or even redness in the shaving area.

Choose morning shaving

Morning is the most relaxing moment every day, when the face and skin are in a relaxed state, this is the best time to shave. Clean the face before shaving, and apply it with a hot towel to make the pores and whiskers expand and soften for easy shaving. After applying the face for about 3 to 4 minutes, apply shaving foam on the cheeks and lips, and wait for a while to soften the beard.

Shave in the direction of beard growth

Before shaving, first understand the growth direction of the beard, and then shave along its direction, which can maximize the removal of the beard and reduce the tingling. People with sensitive skin are best to use a multi blade razor, which can reduce the frequency of shaving and reduce the sensitive receiving surface. Shaving steps should start from the upper cheeks on the left and right sides, followed by the upper lip beard, followed by the edges and corners of the face, usually from the sparse part of the beard, and the dense part at the end.