Origin of Frost Falling Solar Term

Before and after October 23 of the Gregorian calendar every year, when the sun reaches 210 degrees of longitude, it is the frost fall in the 24 solar terms. Frost is the last solar term in autumn and the transitional solar term from autumn to winter. In the autumn evening, there is a lot of heat dissipation on the ground, and the temperature suddenly drops below 0 degrees. The water vapor in the air directly condenses on the ground or plants to form tiny ice needles, some of which become hexagonal frost flowers, white in color and loose in structure.

What are the three phenology of the frost falling solar term

In ancient China, frost falls were divided into three stages: "the first stage is the sacrifice of animals; the second stage is the yellowing of vegetation; the third stage is the bowing of stinging insects." In this solar term, wolves display their prey before eating; The leaves on the earth wither and fall; The stinging insects are all still in their holes, hanging their heads to enter hibernation. The frost falls on October 23 of the Gregorian calendar every year. At this time, the first frost appeared in the Yellow River basin of China, and most areas were busy planting three wheat and other crops.

What are the folk customs of frost falling solar terms

In some parts of our country, red persimmons are eaten during frost season. In the view of local people, this can not only keep warm from the cold, but also repair bones and muscles. It is a very good frost food. The old man in Quanzhou said that frost descends and eats persimmons: frost descends and eats small persimmons without running nose. In some places, the explanation for this custom is that you should eat turmeric seeds on the day of frost fall, otherwise your lips will crack all winter. During the frost season, ducks in Fujian and Taiwan will be sold very popular, sometimes out of stock and in short supply. In addition, some places must eat some beef on this day. The Shandong agricultural proverb is more interesting: Sorghum for summer, White Dew Valley, and pulling turnips when frost falls.

First Frost
Moral: The weather is getting colder and frost begins to fall
Climate characteristics: the weather is colder, dew condenses into frost
Date: October 23 or 24 of each year
Sun position: the sun is at 210 ° of yellow longitude
Previous Term: Cold Dew
The next solar term: Beginning of Winter
Custom activity: Chrysanthemum Fair
Custom food: red persimmon
Farming activities: timely harvesting, plowing and planting spring crops
Health preservation: prevent autumn dryness, depression and cold
Attribute: the 18th solar term in the 24 solar terms

Date calculation
Calculation of frost falling date: [Y * D+C] - L
Formula interpretation: Y=last two years, D=0.2422,
L=leap years
21st century C=23.438
In the 20th century, C=24.218.
For example, the frost fall date in 2088=[88 × 0.2422+23.438] - [88/4]=44-22=22
On October 22, frost fell.
Exception: 1 day is added to the calculation result in 2089.


When the weather turns cool after frost, the temperature difference between day and night will increase. Pay special attention to keeping feet and stomach warm, but don't wear cotton padded clothes too early. "Autumn freeze" is to gradually wear clothes to have a certain resistance to wind evil. Women should pay attention to keeping their feet warm. Instead of wearing boat shoes and thin socks, they should wear shoes or boots that can cover their feet to prevent their feet from getting cold. [Detailed]


According to the viewpoint of TCM health preservation, in terms of the relationship between the four seasons and five tonics (rising in spring, clearing in summer, light in long summer, gentle in autumn and warm in winter), the principle of flat tonics should be followed. At this time, the diet wife should be diverse, the diet should be appropriate, the thickness should be matched, and the oil should be appropriate; Eat less sweets, limit salt, have reasonable meals and moderate drinking. [Detailed]


Too long sleep reduces the contractility of the heart muscle and the muscles of the whole body, and destroys the law of heart activity and rest. Over time, the heart contractility becomes weak, the muscle tension of the whole body decreases, leading to weakness and weakness of the body, slowing down intestinal peristalsis, and reducing the resistance of the body. In the long run, people's physique will become worse, and they are easy to get sick. Therefore, at this time of the festival, we should avoid lying in bed and getting up early. [Detailed]

 that 's ok

After frost, the temperature drops rapidly. Patients with gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension and cerebrovascular sclerosis should pay special attention to avoid strenuous exercise, maintain emotional stability and ease of mind, reduce going out in the morning and evening, and try to avoid being attacked by cold air. This is an effective way to actively prevent these three diseases. Citizens suffering from gastroenteritis should pay attention to keeping warm and eating, and take more clothes when going out. [Detailed]