Origin of Cold Dew Solar Term

On October 8 or 9 every year, when the sun reaches 195 degrees yellow longitude, it is cold dew. The word "cold" first appeared in the 24 solar terms. At this time, the wild geese flew south, and the chrysanthemums became yellow. Compared with the "white dew" solar term, the temperature was lower, the dew was more, and it was cold. As for the origin of the name of Han Lu, it is recorded in the history books that: "The Dou refers to Han Jia as Han Lu, which is cold and cold at that time, and will be coagulated, so it is called Han Lu."

What are the three phenology of the cold dew solar term

The cold dew includes three phenology: "waiting for the guests of the wild geese". The wild geese in the sky move southward in groups, sometimes in a straight line, sometimes in a straight line, becoming a beautiful touch of fine brushwork in the sky; "The second class bird enters the flood and becomes a clam". In late autumn, the cold air is very strong, and birds are hiding. There are many clams on the seashore. The stripes and colors of the shells are similar to those of birds, so the ancients thought that clams were formed by birds; "Three chrysanthemums have yellow flowers". The cold dew is about to end. The chrysanthemums all over the mountains are in full bloom overnight.

What are the folk customs of the Cold Dew Solar Term

In the cold dew season, the northern part of China has presented a late autumn scene, and the southern part is also getting more and more autumn. This solar term often meets the traditional Chinese festival, the Double Ninth Festival. Since ancient times, there has been an important custom of the Double Ninth Festival - inviting relatives and friends and looking up from afar. White dew, autumnal equinox and cold dew are the climax of the old Beijing people fighting crickets. Generally, hearing crickets means it's autumn. The weather is getting cooler, reminding people to prepare thick clothes. In the south, this is a sunny season, a good time to travel. You can enjoy flowers, eat crabs and fish. In the cold dew season, the temperature drops rapidly, and the sun can't penetrate the deep water. The fish swim to the shallow water area with higher water temperature, so there is a saying of "fishing in autumn".

Cold dew
Meaning: the temperature is lower than that of white dew
Climate characteristics: temperature drops, dew is cooler
Date: October 8 or 9 of each calendar year
Sun position: the sun reaches 195 ° of yellow longitude
Previous solar term: autumnal equinox
The next solar term: frost
Custom activities: appreciating chrysanthemums and climbing high
Custom food: chrysanthemum wine
Farming activities: frequent irrigation in shallow water
Health preservation: moisten the lung, promote fluid production, strengthen the spleen and stomach
Attribute: one of the 24 solar terms, the beginning of the Ganzhi calendar month

Date calculation
Calculation of cold dew date: [Y * D+C] - L
Formula interpretation: Y=last two years, D=0.2422,
L=leap years
21st century C=8.318
In the 20th century, C=9.098.
For example: Cold Dew Date in 2088=[88 × 0.2422+8.318] - [88/4]=29-22=7
October 7 is cold dew.


After the "cold dew", the weather is getting cooler. There is a saying that "the body is not exposed when exposed, and the feet are not exposed when exposed". This is to warn people that they should pay attention to the weather change, especially pay attention to keeping warm, and timely increase or decrease clothes to prevent the invasion of cold evil, especially not barefoot, in case "cold comes from feet". The feet are farthest from the heart and have less blood supply. Because the fat layer of the feet is thin, they are particularly vulnerable to cold stimulation. [Detailed]


In terms of diet health, we should, on the basis of a balanced diet of five flavors, appropriately eat more sweet, light and moist foods according to individual conditions, which can not only nourish the spleen and stomach, but also nourish the lungs and intestines, and prevent dry throat and mouth. The fruits include pears, persimmons, bananas, etc; Vegetables include carrots, winter melon, lotus root, tremella, beans, fungi, kelp, laver, etc. Middle aged and elderly people and patients with chronic diseases should eat more red dates, lotus seeds, yams, ducks, fish, meat and other foods. [Detailed]


When it is cool in autumn, people's living time should be adjusted accordingly. Get enough sleep. You'd better sleep an hour more than usual to adapt to the "lack of autumn". The Great Theory of Plain Questions on Four Qi Regulating Spirit clearly points out: "In autumn and March, lie down early and get up early, and be happy with chickens." To comply with the collection of yin essence, lie down early; Get up early in order to conform to the comfort of Yang Qi. In order to avoid the formation of thrombus, it is recommended that everyone conform to the solar term and take care of themselves in time to ensure health. The incidence of thrombosis in autumn and winter is also high, so more attention should be paid. [Detailed]

 that 's ok

After cold dew, the temperature drops and the temperature difference between day and night increases, which is the most likely to cause colds. Health experts remind that clothes should be added at this time to strengthen physical exercise and build up the body. In addition, the weather is cold at this time, people have relatively few opportunities to go out for sports and spend a long time in the room, so we should pay attention to maintaining the indoor air circulation and freshness at this time, so that the body can be in a good environment for a long time. In addition, the unique chill in autumn easily makes people sad, that is, autumn sorrow. Therefore, we should maintain a good attitude and cultivate an optimistic and open-minded mind. [Detailed]