Origin of Bailu Solar Term

"White Dew" is a season that reflects the temperature changes in nature. Dew is a unique natural phenomenon after the "White Dew" solar term. As the weather turns cool and the sun is still hot in the daytime, the temperature drops quickly when the sun goes down. At night, the water vapor in the air condenses into small drops of water, which attach to the branches and leaves or petals and are white. Especially when exposed to the morning light, it is more white and flawless, so it gets the good name of "Bailu".

What are the three phenology of Bailu solar term

The white dew has three signs: the wild geese come; Yuanniaogui; A flock of birds breeds shame. Hong Yan Lai: Hong Da Yan is small and comes from the north to the south. It is not called Nanxiang, nor its home. Mysterious Birds Return: Mysterious birds see the vernal equinox. At this time, they travel from the south to the north. Yan is the bird of the north, so it is called Return. A flock of birds raises shame: more than three people are a flock, more than three animals are a flock, and a flock is a flock. The Book of Rites notes: "A shy person is a beautiful food." Those who raise shame hide it for the winter moon.

What are the folk customs of Bailu solar term

Fuzhou Bailu must eat longan, because longan has many effects, such as supplementing qi and spleen, nourishing blood and calming nerves, moisturizing and beautifying skin, and the longan before Bailu is all big, with a small kernel and sweet taste, so Bailu can't eat longan better. People in old Nanjing are very fond of "Bailu Tea". At this time, the tea tree has gone through the extreme heat in summer, and before and after Bailu is an excellent period for its growth. There is also the custom of brewing Bailu rice wine in old Nanjing, both from southern Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Bailu rice wine is made from glutinous rice, sorghum and other grains, which is slightly sweet, so it is called Bailu rice wine. In addition, the White Dew Festival is also the day when people in Taihu Lake sacrifice to the King Yu.

White dew
Moral: The weather has turned cold
Climate characteristics: the temperature drops rapidly and the continuous rain begins
Date: before or after September 8 every year in Gregorian calendar
Sun position: 165 ° when the sun reaches the yellow longitude
Previous solar term: summer treatment
The next solar term: the autumnal equinox
Custom Activity: Sacrifice to Yu King
Custom food: tea, rice wine, longan, sweet potato
Farming activities: irrigation and insulation
Health preservation: prevent autumn dryness, nourish yin and replenish qi
Attribute: one of the 24 solar terms, the beginning of the unitary month in the Ganzhi calendar

Date calculation
Calculation of dew date: [Y * D+C] - L
Formula interpretation: Y=last two years, D=0.2422,
C=leap years, L=the last two digits of years divided by 4.
C=7.646 in the 21st century, 8.44 in the 20th century.
For example: 2013 Bailu Date=[13 × 0.2422+7.646] - [13/4]=10.7946-3.25=7.5446, rounded
September 7 is Bailu.
Add 1 day to the calculation result in 1927.


"The white dew divides the night, and the night is cold all night". In Chinese medicine, there is a saying that "the white dew does not expose the body, and the cold dew does not expose the feet." That is to say, once the white dew solar term is over, you can no longer be shirtless when you wear clothes. In addition, the cold and warm weather after white dew is changeable, especially the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, which is easy to cause colds or recurrence of old diseases. If you are greedy and cold at this time, it is more likely to make the function of the spleen and stomach abnormal and damage the yang qi of the spleen and stomach, especially those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should be contraindicated. [Detailed]


Bailu is the solar term with the largest temperature difference between day and night throughout the year. After the white dew, the temperature began to drop, the weather became cooler, and the moisture condensation on the ground began to increase. After white dew, people are prone to dry mouth, dry lips, dry throat, dry skin and other symptoms, which is a typical "autumn dryness". The diet in the white dew season should mainly focus on strengthening the spleen and moistening dryness. It is suitable to eat things that are mild in nature, sweet in taste or warm in taste, and nutritious and easy to digest tonic foods. Eating should not be too full, so as not to increase the burden on our stomach and lead to gastrointestinal diseases. [Detailed]


White dew is a solar term that indicates that the weather turns cool. Although the temperature in the daytime can still reach more than 30 degrees, it will still be cooler at night. The temperature difference between day and night is large, and if it rains, the temperature will drop more obviously. Therefore, we should pay attention to adding clothes in the morning and evening. We should not expose our backs, and we should not indulge in cold when sleeping. The so-called "white dew should not be exposed, and we should exhort sooner or later" is precisely to illustrate this truth. [Detailed]

 that 's ok

Autumn has a pleasant climate, which is a good season for exercising rarely in a year. The key point of Bailu solar term is to strengthen physical exercise. Although autumn is more suitable for outdoor sports, the selection of sports in white dew season should vary from person to person. The elderly can walk, jog, play Taijiquan, self massage, etc; Young and middle-aged people can run, play ball games, dance, climb mountains, swim, etc. While carrying out the above sports exercises, citizens can also cooperate with some "static exercises", such as exhaling, closing their eyes to refresh their minds, so as to achieve harmony between movement and stillness. [Detailed]