How much do you know about gutter oil?

Trench oil can be divided into three categories:

One is the narrow sense of gutter oil, that is, the oily floating matter in the sewer or the oil extracted from the leftovers and leftovers (commonly known as swill) of hotels and restaurants through simple processing; Second, the oil produced after processing and refining of low-quality pork, pig offal and pig skin; Third, the oil used for frying food is reused after being used more than a certain number of times, or it is reused after adding some new oil.

Influence of gutter oil on people's health

The biggest harm of gutter oil is not only the carcinogenic aflatoxin, nor the dirty word "gutter", but the words "multiple heating" and "oxidation". In restaurants, many ingredients need oil, and many delicacies and snacks need oil, which will inevitably lead to repeated heating of oil. Vegetable oil is not heat-resistant. When cooking, chemical reactions such as thermal oxidation will occur at a high temperature of 160-300 ℃, causing the loss of vitamin E, fatty acids and other nutrients. Less nutritious oil is already "bad oil", while harmful trans fatty acids and saturated fats will continue to increase. Some studies have shown that eating this repeatedly heated oil is related to fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cholecystitis, stomach disease, etc., and may even increase the risk of heart disease and a variety of cancers.

Treatment measures

How to find a good place for gutter oil

The problem of "gutter oil" is not a matter of a day or two. The key is that it is difficult to find and investigate. In the face of the reality of "oil mixed with oil, immortals worry", it may not be reliable only by relying on the system and the conscience of businessmen. The "gutter oil" itself is not a bad thing, it depends on what it is used for. According to the data, a large amount of edible oil waste produced by small restaurants and restaurants every day is a good raw material for producing biodiesel. Biodiesel produced with it as raw material has the same use effect as ordinary diesel, with low price and sufficient combustion, which can greatly alleviate the urban air pollution problem. If 20% biodiesel is added to gasoline, the emissions of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide can be reduced by 50% and 70%, and the air toxicity can be reduced by 90%. In addition, according to experts, after the gutter oil is added to the reaction tank, through a slightly acidic catalyst technology, its alcoholysis and esterification can be carried out at the same time, and the reaction speed is also significantly accelerated. It is an excellent industrial raw material. Therefore, the government departments should be good at taking drastic measures to make a large amount of "gutter oil" really become a high-quality and inexpensive "biodiesel" raw material, encourage investment in the production of biodiesel, and let a large number of "gutter oil" find their own real "family" instead of going to people's dining tables.

Control policy

China policy

On July 13, 2010, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Treatment of Waste Oil and the Management of Food Waste (GBF [2010] No. 36), which specially deployed the treatment and management of waste oil and food waste. With the consent of the State Council, the General Office of the State Council put forward the following opinions on strengthening the remediation of "gutter oil" and the management of kitchen waste:

1、 Carry out special rectification of "gutter oil"; 2、 Strengthen the management of kitchen waste; 3、 Promote the resource utilization and harmless treatment of kitchen waste; 4、 Clarify the division of labor and implement responsibilities; 5、 Strengthen supervision, inspection, publicity and education.

Three foreign tricks to keep the gutter oil away from the table

1、 Establish a database to establish standards for the authenticity of edible oil; 2、 The waste cooking oil was effectively treated, and the government tracked and effectively supervised all the way; 3、 A heavy blow was made, and many countries imposed huge fines to severely punish the improper disposal of waste oil.

the way to distinguish

Five Ways to Identify Ditch Oil in Restaurant

1. Obviously, we ordered vegetable dishes, which can taste meat. In nine cases out of ten, it is not new oil.

2. The oil in the vegetable is not clear and the color is turbid. It is estimated that it is low-quality oil that has been used for many times, because the color of the oil will gradually darken during the heating process.

3. Fresh and qualified vegetable oil is smooth and easy to flow, without greasy feeling. It is easier to rinse off the oil by rinsing it in water. However, the gutter oil is sticky and has no refreshing taste. It is difficult to rinse off even in hot water. You can also drop a few drops of oil on your fingers and rub them back and forth with your fingertips. If you feel sticky, you are very likely to use gutter oil.

4. After packing the food, put it in the refrigerator and take it out in a few hours. If the oil has solidified or semi solidified, it indicates that the quality of oil is poor, or animal oil such as lard is used, and the content of trans fatty acid and saturated fatty acid is high. Eating too much of such oil is bad for the heart.

5. Exclude food allergy. If you feel uncomfortable with your throat after eating, or have stomach pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases, it is likely that you ate inferior oil.