Beijing KFC mistakenly sent disinfected water to hospital as a beverage consumer

08:56, April 2, 2014    Beijing News   Collect this article      

The consumer was sent to the hospital for inspection at the Xidan store where the incident occurred; KFC said it would conduct internal review.

At noon the day before yesterday, a KFC in Xidan, the waiter mistook a cup of sterilized water for a drink. The consumer is then sent to a doctor for examination.

KFC apologized for this and said that it would bear the cost of consumer inspection and communicate to solve the problem.

KFC was located next to Xidan Juntai Department Store. The netizen "Xiao Mao at night" said that at noon the day before yesterday, when he was eating at the restaurant, several policemen entered and temporarily closed the store, "saying that he sold the disinfected water to customers as a drink."

At 9 o'clock the night before last, the reporter came to this KFC and saw that it was open normally.

According to an insider, at that time, a customer ordered a drink, and a cup of diluted disinfectant was placed beside the drink dispenser.

"It's not the drink from the beverage machine." The insider said that the customer only drank a small amount of sterilized water at that time.

Manager Wang of the KFC said that the store had been open the day before yesterday and had not been closed. "The drinks we sold in the store are OK." Manager Wang refused to disclose what happened at noon.

The night before last, KFC confirmed this, "We are sorry that the employee mistook the disinfectant water for a drink to the consumer." At present, this customer is in the hospital for an examination, KFC will bear the relevant costs of the examination, and will communicate with the consumer to solve the problem. "We will conduct internal review to prevent similar incidents from happening again," KFC said.

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