90 members jointly submitted a proposal to require legislation to curb violent injuries

10:39, March 7, 2014    Beijing News  

The system suffers from serious illness, which needs to be removed from the cocoon. The top priority is to take practical and effective measures to immediately prevent the occurrence of hospital violence.

——Ling Feng, an authority in neurosurgery medicine and member of the CPPCC National Committee

I want to say that doctors are human beings, with flesh and blood and dignity. Who will defend our human rights? We are not lambs to be slaughtered!

——Guo Shuqin, deputy to the National People's Congress and president of the First Central Hospital of Baoding, Hebei

Beijing News Yesterday afternoon, 90 members of the medical and health sectors of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference jointly submitted an "emergency proposal" to the General Assembly, suggesting that medical institutions should be listed as public places for security, and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council should take the lead to formulate and issue the Regulations on the Administration of Public Security in Medical Institutions as soon as possible.

In the "Emergency Proposal", it is suggested that during the CPPCC National Committee, emergency consultations should be held with the Proposal Committee and emergency consultations should be held between the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Health and Family Planning Commission and other departments.

Recently, violent medical injuries have occurred one after another. The medical and health circles of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the Democratic Party of Peasants and Workers (DPJ), in the form of sector and party proposals, called on the relevant state departments to stop the recurrence of hospital violence as soon as possible, maintain medical order, and safeguard the dignity and life of doctors.

Ling Feng, the leader of the proposal and member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that the core of this emergency proposal is to firmly request the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council to amend Article 23 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Penalties, and explicitly include medical institutions in the category of public places for management, rather than internal security units. "Only when public security becomes the main body of hospital security can we effectively curb the increasingly frequent vicious medical injuries."

At the same time, the proposal also hopes that under the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Punishments, the State Council will review and issue a special Regulation on the Administration of Public Security in Medical Institutions.

According to the notice jointly formulated by the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Public Security last year, it is defined that "seriously disrupting the medical order" includes burning paper money in medical institutions, setting up mourning halls, placing wreaths, illegal morgues, and gathering people to make trouble; Illegally carrying inflammable and explosive dangerous goods and controlled devices into medical institutions; 7 kinds of public security violations, including insulting, threatening, intimidating, deliberately harming medical personnel or illegally restricting their personal freedom.

"These behaviors cannot occur in general public places such as stations, airports, shopping malls, parks, etc., but they often occur in medical institutions," Ling Feng said. These behaviors not only harm the interests of patients, making them unable to get the treatment and rescue they deserve; It also makes it impossible for medical workers to treat patients seriously, with dignity and heart in a calm environment, which aggravates the doctor-patient conflict.

In view of the particularity of such medical institutions, the risks and limitations of the medical industry, as well as the specific environment of the current social security situation, members of the medical and health sector believe that the development of special laws and regulations, the specification of hospital violence, is conducive to bringing the prevention and treatment of medical violence into the legal control.

  ■ dialogue

"Violent injuries to doctors and doctor-patient conflicts are two different things"

Ling Feng, the leader of the "emergency proposal", said that violence against doctors is a serious illegal act and must be severely punished

Beijing News: How do you want doctors to be protected?

Ling Feng: It's very simple. The hospital is clearly regarded as a public place, and the public security department will provide security in accordance with the Public Security Punishment Law.

Beijing News: I remember that you have appealed to the CPPCC for several years.

Ling Feng: It has been several years, but no results have been achieved. At the CPPCC proposal consultation meeting, we discussed with the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security for many times. They just emphasized that hospitals are internal protection units and are unwilling to treat us as public places. Later, someone told us that the procedure was wrong, so we had to find the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council first to revise the Law on Public Security Punishments to explicitly list medical institutions as public places, so as to fundamentally require the Ministry of Public Security to be responsible for the safety and security of hospital order.

Beijing News: But many people think that medical injuries are caused by doctor-patient conflicts, which is the hospital's own business.

Ling Feng: It is illegal to injure doctors by violence, which is totally different from the contradiction between doctors and patients. Therefore, our sector proposal must make it clear that the doctor-patient conflict can be adjusted, but in any case, violent injury to doctors is a serious illegal act, and the police must deal with it as severely as they deal with malicious incidents at airports and railway stations.

Beijing News: Now some doctors have a stronger sense of self-protection. As the vice president of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, what do you think?

Ling Feng: When a group is squeezed to a certain extent, it will always explode. The doctors quit, and the victims were the patients. But back in hospitals, consulting rooms and wards, doctors may risk their lives to work. Our appeals are not only for the doctors themselves, but also for the normal medical order of the hospital and the right of patients to receive timely treatment.

Beijing News: Is the joint proposal the self demand of doctors?

Ling Feng: We doctors can tolerate no salary increase. We know that the medical service price is unreasonably low because the system is not smooth; But life is intolerable, and human dignity is intolerable.

Beijing News: What do you think is the reason why you can persuade the legal system to do so?

Ling Feng: In 2013, the outpatient volume of hospitals reached 7.3 billion person times, far more than twice that of the Spring Festival. So many people flow, and patients come to see doctors, they have to face one-on-one treatment. Doctors receive dozens of patients a day, and even communicate face to face with hundreds of their parents. Why is this not a public place?

  ■ scene

"Hospitals should be included in the management of public places"

As the top authority of neurosurgery in China, Professor Ling Feng, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), did not refuse any reporter's interview on the issue of "violence injured doctors" at this year's two sessions.

Especially yesterday, in the face of different journalists, Ling Feng was willing to answer the same question many times. She turned on the computer again and again, and told reporters how many twists, confusion and obstacles had passed since 2010, when she and other members of the committee constantly put forward proposals and suggestions to "prevent violence from injuring doctors".

  Suggest to amend the law to change the nature of the hospital's "internal insurance unit"

Most of the time, other members of the medical and health community have joined in discussing the details of the "emergency proposal", which can only attract attention if they can use a striking word to summarize the "violent injury, killing and humiliation of doctors".

While talking, Ling Feng remembers. The final submission time of the proposal of the CPPCC meeting was yesterday afternoon. As the leader of the "emergency proposal", Ling Feng hopes to synthesize and sort out everyone's opinions and suggestions as soon as possible, and to form the largest consensus among the 90 members, "to highlight the most critical demands and focus on solving one thing is to require law amendment and bring hospitals into public places, not internal security units.

Ling Feng said frankly that because of the vague identity of medical institutions, more than 70 members of the medical and health circles of the last CPPCC had been busy for five years, only to promote the National Health and Family Planning Commission (the former Ministry of Health) and the Ministry of Public Security to compile a joint notice on maintaining the implementation of medical institutions.

"This notice sorts out seven behaviors that seriously disrupt the medical order, but the hospital is still an internal insurance unit. Patients make trouble in the hospital, beat and scold doctors. As long as no one is killed, the police can only stand even if they arrive at the scene, because there is no way to rely on them."

The "emergency proposal" was signed by all members present

Yesterday afternoon, with the "emergency proposal" just drafted, Ling Feng rushed to the two discussion sites of Group 45 and Group 46 of the medical and health sector and appealed to all members present to sign their names.

"Last year, there were many 'safe hospital activities', saying that the situation should be high handed. Although the public security forces also dispatched more than 167000 people in 2013, and issued a lot of notices and guidance, why are the incidents of violent injuries to doctors still rising and getting worse?"

"Isn't that a slogan? The high pressure should be flushed with a faucet or illuminated with an electric light. If it doesn't show up, it won't be called high pressure without specific implementation!"

"Last November, the Health and Family Planning Commission, together with the Ministry of Public Security and other 11 ministries and commissions, launched the" zero tolerance "special action to crack down on medical trouble for a year. But this action could not be settled for a year, because the responsibility was not implemented, and security and police were totally incomparable two strengths, let alone a long-term mechanism."

Ling Feng's words made the scene applaud many times. At about 4 p.m., the "emergency proposal" had been signed by all members present.

  ■ tell about

We heal the wounded and save the dying,

Who will protect us?

"The incident of 'seeing a patient cut and treating a patient, and taking a kitchen knife cut and taking a scalpel' hurt not only a few doctors, but also the hearts of 8.6 million medical workers across the country." Yesterday morning, at the meeting of the first group of the Hebei delegation attending the second session of the 12th National People's Congress, Guo Shuqin, a representative who has been a doctor for more than 40 years, choked up.

Yesterday, Guo Shuqin, the president of the First Central Hospital of Baoding City, Hebei Province, talked about her views and suggestions on the government work report.

"Last March, our medical staff were rescuing a patient suffering from massive trauma bleeding. Just when the doctor stitched up the wound for the patient, a group of people with sticks rushed into the operating room to beat the patient. Our medical staff were also beaten, and some of them suffered head injuries. I was moved that our medical staff did not give up the operation, but insisted on finishing it. I was very moved. I praised the wounded medical staff and awarded them the 'grievance award'. " She said.

"I want to say that doctors are also human beings, with flesh and blood and dignity. Who will defend our human rights? We are not lambs to be slaughtered!" At this time, the conference room was silent.

She said that medicine is a special subject, to some extent, an unknown subject, which cannot cure all diseases. For example, if someone dies suddenly, an autopsy is necessary to know the cause of death. But many family members are unwilling to do it, instead, they complain that the doctor is incompetent, and even beat the doctor. "We are very sad, and our self-esteem is hurt."

"As for the case of violent medical attack, I have always asked the provincial public security, procuratorial and judicial departments to find one and resolutely investigate and deal with it! Anyone who wants to beat or hurt a doctor in the hospital, the public security organ will intervene first." Zhou Benshun, a deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, said sitting next to him.

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