Fuping Obstetrician and Gynecologist's Case of Selling Infants Continues the Removal of a Deputy County Chief

10:08, August 12, 2013    Beijing News  
富平妇产科医生卖婴案续一副县长被免职 Qi Kunfeng is waiting for his twin daughters at home in Xue Town, Fuping County

Yesterday afternoon, Qi Kunfeng waited at home for his twin daughters (two small pictures on the right) to go home in Xue Town, Fuping County. At present, the Qi family has not received a notice from the police. Photographed by Wu Jiang, a reporter of Beijing News

Beijing News The deputy head of Fuping County was removed from his post due to the case of infant trafficking, which is the highest level official who has been removed from his post since the local accountability system was launched.

Yesterday, Fuping County, Shaanxi Province announced the organization and handling of relevant responsible persons. Six people, including Li Leiping, deputy county head in charge, Ji Xinmin, director of the Health Bureau, Bian Cimei, deputy director in charge, Wang Li, president of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Yao Junmin, deputy president in charge, and Song Fanling, chairman of the labor union in charge of nursing work, were dismissed.

In addition, the reporter learned from the Fuping County Government of Shaanxi Province yesterday that at present, 9 suspects including Zhang Shuxia have been detained by the public security organs. On August 4, after Fuping police rescued the first abducted baby, they said they had controlled six suspects.

At present, the public security organ has received 55 reports from the masses, including 26 cases involving the suspect Zhang Shuxia (10 cases are not criminal cases after preliminary verification), 5 cases have been filed and verified, and others are under verification. Three newborns in the "July 20" case and a pair of twins who were previously trafficked have been rescued. At present, the investigation of the case is under way.

The reporter learned from Shaanxi Provincial Health Department that Shaanxi Province has dispatched more than 40 obstetric experts from tertiary hospitals to carry out a half month provincial medical practice safety inspection. It is understood that the scope of this examination is all kinds of medical institutions at all levels in Shaanxi Province (including private medical institutions), with the focus on medical institutions with obstetrics.


Doctors from the National Health and Family Planning Commission will be severely punished for selling babies, losing their virtue and perverting the law

Yesterday, the National Health and Family Planning Commission held a regular press conference. Deng Haihua, the spokesman, said that the leadership of the National Health and Family Planning Commission attached great importance to the case of infant trafficking in Fuping, Shaanxi Province. They believed that this behavior was immoral, perverted the law, and was unreasonable. They demanded that we resolutely punish it according to law, and further tighten the management of medical services to prevent such incidents from happening, We will strengthen medical ethics and work style.

In response to the progress of the investigation and handling of the case, Deng Haihua said that the local public security organs had intervened and were making every effort to solve the problem. "What I understand is that the relevant parties in Shaanxi Province have sent the person responsible for the incident for judicial review, and are further investigating whether there are other similar situations". At the same time, the health system also dealt with the relevant responsible persons of medical institutions and medical and health authorities.

Deng Haihua introduced that the National Health and Family Planning Commission has issued the "Notice on the Incidents of Individual Medical Personnel Suspected of Abducting and Selling Newborns in Shaanxi Fuping Maternal and Child Health Hospital", requiring the national health and family planning system to take a warning, draw inferences from one instance, and comprehensively carry out centralized clean-up and rectification. Wei Mingyan, reporter of Beijing News


The rescued twin sister returned home in 70 days

Yesterday, 70 days had passed since Qi Kunfeng's two daughters were "taken away" on May 31.

Qi Kunfeng, 33, has seen his daughter's photo on the Internet, although the child has not returned yet. When the family saw the photos, they all felt that their daughter looked like their father.

On the afternoon of August 8, the official reported that two more abducted babies had been rescued. According to the circumstances explained by the suspect, the public security organ rescued the twin baby girls abducted by pregnant woman Wang Mou (Qi Kunfeng's wife) from Shandong Province and Shanxi Province respectively.

The baby buyer is a medical staff of a hospital

According to the staff of Fuping County Project Team, Qi Kunfeng's two daughters, one was sold to Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, and the other to Juye County, Heze, Shandong Province.

Yesterday, Liu Wei, the leader of the Fifth Criminal Police Detachment of Heze Public Security Bureau, said that Fuping police learned from a child trafficking suspect in Shanxi under control that one of the female babies born to Qi Kunfeng's wife was sold to Heze, Shandong Province.

At 10:00 a.m. on August 8, the Fuping County special case team came to the Heze Public Security Bureau in Shandong Province to jointly carry out rescue with the Heze police.

According to a Shanxi baby trafficking suspect, a young driver drove a black car to Yuncheng on June 23, carrying four people, including the baby buyer, and bought a baby girl.

After checking the vehicle information, Heze police locked the driver as Zhang, about 24 years old, in Juye County.

According to the police, at 7:30 pm on August 8, Heze police took control of Zhang.

Zhang explained that the baby buyer was Ren (female), a medical staff member of Beicheng Hospital in Juye County, Heze, but did not know the specific name.

Through photo identification, the police targeted the baby buyer. Subsequently, the police will be working under the control of Ren.

Led by Ren, the police came to his home to rescue the abducted baby.

Drive from Shandong to Shanxi to buy 45000 babies

Xu Jianan, a police officer of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Juye Public Security Bureau, who participated in the on-site rescue, said that when they knocked on the door, the children were still asleep and there were many children's toys beside the bed.

At that time, Ren's husband was washing diapers for the baby. Seeing the arrival of the police, he looked puzzled.

Xu Jianan introduced that Ren told them that the baby seller did not tell them that the baby was "handled" by Shaanxi Fuping Hospital.

The baby seller told them that the baby was a college student in Shanxi who was pregnant before marriage and could not support her after birth, so she sold the baby.

Liu Wei, captain of the Fifth Brigade, said that when the police were ready to take the child away, the couple cried bitterly.

Before leaving, he took the initiative to take the baby's bottles, milk powder, hot water and clothes with him, for fear that he would starve at night.

Liu Wei said that the rescue process was smooth, and the family members were also very cooperative after hearing the police's advice.

According to Ren, she and her husband like children very much, but after eight years of marriage, they have not been pregnant and want to buy a baby from outside. I once heard from a distant relative that there was an old lady named Huang in Juye County who had "access" and asked Huang to help pay attention.

According to Liu Wei, on June 23, Huang got the news that there were babies in Shanxi. He took Ren and his distant relatives with him and rented a black car from Zhang. Five people set out from Heze in Shandong and went all the way to Yuncheng in Shanxi to buy babies.

Ren said that it cost about 45000 yuan to buy the baby at that time.

At 9:20 that night, Fuping police soldiers divided into two groups. One group took the baby girl back to Shaanxi, and the police also brought back two "middlemen" who sold the baby, Ren's distant relatives and Huang; The other group continued to arrest intermediaries suspected of trafficking.

Family members don't know when the child will return

Yesterday, the aunt of the twins sat at home knitting hand-made shoes for their children.

More than two months later, when I heard that the child was coming back, the child's aunt began to look for wool everywhere. She said it was a pity that she could not find the original frog color, so she had to choose red wool.

Yesterday, a large number of reporters stayed at Qi's home, waiting for the police to send the children back. However, the Qi family has not yet received a notice from the police.

As of press release, Fuping police have not disclosed the return time of the child.

This page (except the signature)/Beijing News reporter Li Chao intern Fu Zongheng Chen Yi

(Beijing News Wujiang)

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