Expert tips: the first choice of bottled water depends on the water source

10:28, May 17, 2013    Sina Health Forum  

About 75% of the body weight is water, which continues our life. Recently, many people are confused by the constant controversy about water. How can we achieve healthy drinking?

How to distinguish different aquatic products

Zhao Feihong, chairman of the Healthy Drinking Water Professional Committee of the Beijing Health Protection Association, said that the public had little concern about drinking water in the past few years, but now the public has begun to care. This is a good thing, indicating that the public has begun to pay attention to matters related to their own health. On the other hand, it also indicates that the quality of life of the public has improved.

Now there are different aquatic products on the market, such as mineral water, mineral water, natural water, snow mountain water, and distilled water. How are these categories differentiated?

At present, there are four standards for bottled water in our country, two of which are sanitary standards and the other two are product quality standards. Among the product quality standards, one is drinking natural mineral water and the other is drinking purified water. There is no dispute about the water produced according to the two standards. For example, distilled water and purified water are both subject to the national product quality standard of 17323, and natural purified water is not controversial. As long as they meet the product quality standard of mineral water, there is basically no dispute.

However, the standards of relevant categories that are neither pure water nor mineral water are very disordered, and there are many kinds of water in this area. For example, there is no national standard for negative hydrogen water, negative oxygen water, natural water, mountain spring water and other water on the market.

How to choose safer bottled water

Zhao Feihong said that the choice of water source is very critical. If the water source has been polluted, the water must have no characteristics during processing. So there are four main keys to water selection:

The first is to look at the location of water sources in the package, such as nature reserves, areas rarely visited by people, and high-altitude areas such as Kunlun Mountain and Qinghai Tibet Plateau. The water in these areas should be our first choice. In terms of water quality, mineral water is the best water. Mineral water comes from groundwater. There are two sources of groundwater recharge. One is rainfall. Most of the natural mineral water comes from the direct infiltration of rainfall. The water from melting snow mountain glaciers is high-quality mineral water.

The second is to see some data. The first is TDS, which is total dissolved solids. The content recommended by the World Health Organization should be between 200 and 500. Within this range, it is not necessary to mark. If it is lower than 200 or higher than 500, it should be clearly marked, which is a special concern for consumers.

Thirdly, I recommend you to check the sodium content in water. For infants aged 0 to 6 months, some people with kidney disease should pay special attention to the sodium content. The sodium content should be less than 60 mg/L, because the excessive sodium will affect the kidney.

The fourth is the content of calcium and magnesium. Calcium and magnesium are negatively correlated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. So the water with slightly higher calcium and magnesium is good for our body.

Water is the source of life. Drinking water rationally and scientifically is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy life, let's start with healthy drinking water.

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