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Self test of expected production period

Self test of your due date: when is your due date

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The expected date of delivery is the expected date of delivery for pregnant women. The expected date of delivery is not an exact date of delivery. Scientists have calculated that only about 53% of women give birth on the expected date of delivery.

To calculate the expected date of delivery, just add 9 months and 1 week (280 days) to the first day of the last menstrual period. For example, the last menstruation is January 1, and October 1 is added with 9 months, and October 8 is added with 1 week (7 days). October 8 is the due date. The actual delivery may occur within 2 weeks before and after the expected date of delivery. If your menstrual cycle is irregular or you can't remember the date of the last menstrual period, please calculate it according to the gynecological examination in early pregnancy.

Source: Sina Health Blog

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