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Self rated dysmenorrhea level

Self assessment of dysmenorrhea: what level does your dysmenorrhea belong to

I have something to say ( Participation)

Many women are troubled by the same problem, which is female dysmenorrhea! The days of each month will interfere with life, work and study, especially in psychology and physiology. Sometimes pain can be unbearable and even cause shock. Especially when the temperature is low, the pain is always lingering, indescribable and makes people collapse. Sisters, do you know? Women's dysmenorrhea also has levels, to test which level you belong to?

   Calculate the score according to the following 16 symptoms

Impact on work and learning: 2 points;

With lumbar pain: 1 point;

Nausea and vomiting: 1 point;

With anal distention: 1 point;

Pain relief with general pain relief measures: 1 point;

No relief with general pain relief measures: 2 points;

Pain within one day: 1 point;

2 points for every additional day of pain period;

Abdominal pain: 2 points;

Obvious abdominal pain: 1 point;

Restless: 2 points;

Shock: 4 points;

Pale face: 1 point;

Cold sweat: 2 points;

Extremities cold: 2 points;

Bed rest: 2 points;

   Self calculated menstrual performance score (basic score: 10 points)

   structural analysis

   Severity Level III: score 26-30 points

Sound the alarm bell, the current physiological pain has reached a serious level. For young girls, severe physical pain not only affects learning, but also has a serious impact on physical development. For mature women, severe physical pain may induce infertility, pelvic inflammation, endometriosis and other gynecological diseases. We should go to the hospital in time to find out the cause of dysmenorrhea and treat it under the guidance of doctors.

   Moderate Level II: 16-24 points

This kind of pain can be properly treated with drugs. It is a healthy way to use mild and effective Chinese medicine products to recuperate the body. Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated rich experience in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. At present, there are many Chinese medicines with the function of warming channels, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis on the market, but there is a lack of professional Chinese medicines for the treatment of physiological pain.

   Mild level 1: 10-14 points

Such pain can be alleviated through psychological and dietary adjustment. Proper drinking of ginger tea, brown sugar water and rose tea will help relieve the pain.

Tip: It's too much to bear. If the tested female friend reaches Grade III, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment in time. Don't bear it any more!

Source: Sina Health Blog

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