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Body mass index self test

Body mass index (BMI) self test

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Body Mass Index (BMI) is a body mass index, which is closely related to the total amount of body fat, and mainly reflects the general overweight and obesity. Since BMI calculates the proportion of body fat, it is more accurate to measure the risk of heart disease, hypertension and other risks of the body due to overweight than to determine the body weight alone.

BMI - Body Mass Index is a reference index for evaluating the proportion of height and weight. Its calculation formula is: weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m) (BMI=kg/m2)

It should be emphasized that not everyone is suitable for BMI. If you have the following conditions, then BMI index is not suitable for you:

1. Under 18 years old.

2. Athletes.

3. We are doing weight training.

4. Pregnancy or lactation.

5. Weak or sedentary old people.

Adult Body Mass Index

Light weight BMI: BMI<18.5

Healthy weight BMI: 18.5 ≤ BMI<24

Overweight BMI: 24 ≤ BMI<28

Obesity BMI: 28 ≤ BMI


Source: Sina Health Blog

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