Choose Medicinal Diet to Nourish Stomach in Summer

Choose Medicinal Diet to Nourish Stomach in Summer
13:21, July 4, 2018 Health Times

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that in dog days, heat, dampness and heat are the main three qi. The three qi are most likely to attack the spleen and stomach, resulting in a decline in the function of the spleen and stomach, a lack of qi and blood, and a lack of appetite abdominal distention constipation or diarrhea , followed by general fatigue and weakness, palpitations insomnia Therefore, it is particularly important to play a good summer "stomach protection war" and prevent accounting after autumn. Today, I would like to recommend some health preserving medicinal meals for people in dog days!

   Brown sugar ginger syrup 100g brown sugar, 20g ginger. Wash the ginger and slice it; Boil a pot of water, add ginger slices and brown sugar, and boil for 30 minutes.

Nutritional value: There has always been a folk saying "eat carrots in winter and ginger in summer". Eating ginger in dog days generates yang qi, dispels dampness and toxins, and dissipates phlegm and stops coughing. Drinking brown sugar ginger water conforms to the principle of combination of yin and yang and scientific health preservation.

   Three Beans Soup Wash mung beans, red beans and black beans, and soak them in cold water for half an hour; Put three beans into the pot, add some water, and let the boy stew; After about 40 minutes, the bean fragrance overflows. After the bean becomes soft, add proper brown sugar.

Nutritional value: As early as in ancient times, the "Compendium Collection" recorded that people would cook soup every day and eat it with children. In case of acne toxin, drink it with this soup; Smash and apply, and the poison will disappear. Three bean soup has the effect of detoxification, deflagration, cooling and relieving fire. It is one of the best recipes in dog days.

  Chinese yam spareribs 300g yams, 350g ribs, a little scallion. Wash all the ingredients, and soak the ribs in boiling water to remove the fishy smell and blood; Put proper amount of water in the pot to stew the ribs. After the water boils, put in the cut yam; After stewing for about 20 minutes, the soup will turn white and smell will disperse. Add proper amount of salt and scallions.

Nutritional value: It is hot and humid in dog days, the human body perspires heavily, the potassium and calcium trace elements are lost seriously, and it is easy to damage yin and consume gas. At this time, it is the best time to eat food that can nourish blood and qi, yin and spleen. Yam spareribs are excellent yin nourishing ingredients with calcium supplement effect. (Spleen of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine stomach trouble Chief Physician Zhou Xiaohong)

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