Remember these anti poison methods in May of the lunar calendar

Remember these anti poison methods in May of the lunar calendar
01:39, June 20, 2018 Health Times

The ancients called the lunar month of May the "poison month", because the weather in the lunar month of May was hot, humid, hot, and poisonous. Mosquitoes and microorganisms also grew in large numbers. The realgar wine, wormwood and sachet, which are called the Three Friends of the Dragon Boat Festival, can prevent diseases and avoid plagues. Wang Dongxu, director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Nanjing Integrated Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that these are more suitable for the humid and hot weather in the south, while northerners in a dry and hot climate can try New Sanyou during the toxic May.

  Mung bean soup can detoxify instead of realgar wine.

Realgar wine contains heavy metals, whether drunk or smeared, there is a risk of poisoning. For northerners, realgar wine is too dry and strong. Northerners can use mung bean soup instead to clear heat, detoxify, quench thirst and relieve heat.

   Supplementary sticker: anti snake bite—— Snakebite Don't forget to take a picture later

In the past, realgar wine was mainly used to prevent poisonous snakes. Yao Yuanzhang, a professor in the emergency department of Daping Hospital of the Third Military Medical University, reminded that the weather was getting hotter, and snake activities were becoming more and more frequent. He reminded everyone that after being bitten by a snake, don't forget to take a picture of the snake with your mobile phone, so as to provide a basis for doctors to confirm the type of snake and choose appropriate treatment methods. If it is impossible to take pictures, it is better to describe the color of the snake, the shape, characteristics and size of its head and tail in detail.

Of course, it is necessary to do some wound treatment immediately after being bitten by a snake. For example, use bandages, shoelaces, belts, etc. to tie the affected limb at the proximal end of the snake bite in time to slow the blood flow back to the heart and make the snake venom attack relatively slow. When conditions permit, a clean knife can be used to make a cross cut at the snake bite to squeeze out the wound and the surrounding poisonous blood, or the poisonous blood can be sucked out by pulling out the cupping jar and sucking with the mouth (confirming that there is no wound in the mouth), and then sent to the doctor in time.

  Garlic can repel mosquitoes instead of wormwood.

In the south, wormwood will be lit to smoke the room to kill mosquitoes. In fact, it is also applicable in the north. But garlic can also repel mosquitoes effectively. Eating garlic often in summer can prevent and cure diseases, and also can avoid mosquito bites. The human body will emit a smell after eating garlic, which will make mosquitoes avoid. People who don't eat garlic can put some chopped garlic in the corner, and mosquitoes will escape.

   Supplementary note: mosquito bite prevention - less sweating, wear light colored clothes and be careful with makeup

Song Zhiqiang, an expert in the dermatology department of Southwest Hospital, said that three aspects should be paid attention to in preventing mosquito bites. First, lactic acid in sweat is very attractive to mosquitoes. People who sweat easily should try to keep dry. Second, mosquitoes like wet and dark environments, so it is better to wear less dark clothes. Third, women should not wear too much makeup. Cosmetics are easy to attract mosquitoes because they contain many chemical ingredients.

"The skin is prone to bacterial infection in summer after being scratched, so it is better not to scratch the affected part frequently." For the treatment method after being bitten by mosquitoes, Professor Song suggested that if there is mild itching and rash, you can apply floral water or essential balm, or use natural plant juice such as aloe, tea or mash it. If the itching and rash are obvious, you can apply anti allergy ointment such as Udrol and Eloxone under the guidance of a doctor. It should be noted that some of these drugs contain hormones and cannot be used for a long time. After the skin is touched by the paederus, do not beat it. Its venom is corrosive to the skin, which can produce obvious erosion and pustules. It needs to be treated in the hospital.

  Flower scented sachet - it can refresh the mind instead of fragrant sachet.

Traditional sachets are commonly used Chinese herbs such as atractylodes macrocephala for resuscitation. Aromatic substances can enlighten the mind, but they are too dry to adapt to the dry climate in the north. Northerners can change petals or sandalwood into flower fragrance sachets, which can also serve as "air purifiers".

  Supplementary sticker: a basin of hanging orchids - clean air and cool down

In summer, some green plants are placed in the room, which can not only beautify the home environment to be comfortable and pleasant, but also refreshing and pleasing to the eye. Usually, a basin of small hanging orchids can absorb all the harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon peroxide emitted by electrical appliances and various plastic products in the room within 24 hours. When the fresh oxygen in the room increases, it can also reduce the temperature relatively.

In some medium-sized living rooms, broad-leaved plants such as plantain can also be placed. Such plants have wide leaves, which can better absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and help cool the room.

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