These mosquito repellent methods are deceptive

These mosquito repellent methods are deceptive
11:03, June 19, 2018 Health Times

Mosquitoes are the most annoying thing in the hot summer. But I don't know if you have noticed that some people are seldom visited by mosquitoes, while others are especially attracted to mosquitoes. It is clear that several people are together, while others have nothing to do, but he/she alone is full of bags. Today, I will show you whether you are a mosquito like person?

Whether a person attracts mosquitoes depends on how strong the smell he or she emits and how much carbon dioxide he or she emits. Because the carbon dioxide emitted by the human body is an effective information to guide mosquitoes to find their prey, and sweat is also a signal for finding food. Therefore, the following seven kinds of people are easy to attract mosquitoes.

Mosquito's favorite 7 types of people!

1. People who sweat more

Human sweat contains a lot of amino acids, lactic acid and ammonia compounds. Mosquitoes are very sensitive to this. Once they smell the smell of these substances, they will have a big appetite. ①

2 People with high body temperature and more carbon dioxide

There is a heat receiver in the mosquito's antenna, which is very sensitive to temperature, so it can lock the "target" through its antenna 50 meters away. Therefore, people who are tall and sweat easily attract mosquitoes; In addition, after exercise, the carbon dioxide exhaled by the human body increases, and the carbon dioxide concentration in the environment is relatively high. This sensitive mosquito will smell the smell;

3 People wearing dark clothes

Mosquitoes like to suck blood in the weak light environment, because the color of the clothes is too dark, which has no reflective effect on mosquitoes, and is easy to be bitten by mosquitoes. Moreover, dark clothes have strong heat absorption ability, and mosquitoes like to bite people with high temperature, which increases the probability of people wearing dark clothes being bitten;

4. Baby with strong milk flavor

Babies are easy to be attacked by mosquitoes for two reasons: first, babies have no ability to block the way, and mosquitoes are easier to bite. Second, the baby has a fragrant and strong milk smell, and mosquitoes will bite because of the milk smell;

5 Pregnant women

Research shows that pregnant women are twice as likely to be bitten by mosquitoes as other women. This is because the gas exhaled by pregnant women contains a variety of chemicals that are easy to attract mosquitoes, and their abdomen temperature is high, and there are relatively more volatile substances on the skin surface;

6 Drinkers

A study has found that drinking one or two glasses of beer outdoors will increase the probability of being bitten by mosquitoes by 15%. Scientists analyzed and pointed out that changes in body odor and breathing after drinking will make people more likely to attract mosquitoes, and drinking will reduce the body's ability to defend against mosquito bites. ①

7 Makeup

Research has found that many cosmetics such as hair gel, hand cream and facial cleanser are very attractive to mosquitoes because of their special smell.

These mosquito repellent methods are deceptive

Do you believe those rumors about mosquitoes?

Myth 1: A bowl of mosquito repellent herb is placed at home

Truth: Most mosquito repellent herbs are geraniums. The geraniol, citronellol, citral and other substances contained in them do have certain insect repellent effects, but these mosquito repellent substances do not actively release into the air. They will volatilize only after being physically damaged. It is far from enough to rely on the active smell of the leaves to repel mosquitoes. ②

Myth 2: Vitamin B1 tablet, mixed with water, sprayed on the body

Truth: Vitamin B1 has a very disgusting taste. Unfortunately, vitamin B1 has no mosquito repellent effect either theoretically or experimentally. ②

Myth 3: Raising frogs at home can kill mosquitoes

Truth: Frogs don't take mosquitoes as their main food, and the mosquito control effect is limited. More importantly, placing a water tank at home will provide a place for mosquitoes to lay eggs.

Myth 4: It's an insect plant called pitcher grass

Truth: pitcher plants are inefficient in capturing mosquitoes. Sometimes their traps can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Myth 5: Mobile phone software imitates the sound wave of male mosquitoes flapping their wings

Truth: This rumor is based on the fact that female mosquitoes will try to avoid male mosquitoes after pregnancy. But in fact, the statement that mosquitoes do not repeat mating is not reliable. The sound of male mosquitoes flapping their wings sometimes attracts female mosquitoes to mate. In addition, most mobile phone software and speakers can produce ultrasound more effectively without mosquito repellency, which only increases power consumption.

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