Women's daily facial mask destroys their skin

Women's daily facial mask destroys their skin
02:30, June 7, 2018 Sina Health

Source: China's micro platform for science popularization

Expert in this article: Yang Chao, Rocket Army General Hospital, MD, attending physician

Reviewed by: Dr. Chen Haixu, associate researcher, Clinical Department of the South Building of the PLA General Hospital, National Clinical Medical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases, Institute of Geriatrics

Facial mask is absolutely necessary for girls nowadays, as a magic weapon for skin moisturizing. However, if the mask is used improperly, it will not moisturize but hurt the face.

Recently, in order to make her skin moist and young, Ms. Liu in Shenzhen has to apply the moisturizing mask twice a day. Unexpectedly, I have used countless products, but the skin on my face is not moisturized, but it is getting drier and drier, sometimes it turns red and itchy for no reason.

The doctor said that many patients have facial skin problems in clinic, and they feel that they need to replenish water, but their way is often to spray all day long, or apply mask every day, which is actually wrong. "Excessive hydration will also weaken the skin barrier, which will easily lead to skin sensitivity."

Seeing this, I was frightened by Xiao Bian who had just applied the mask. So, under what circumstances will sensitive skin be caused? How to prevent it? Come and have a look with Xiao Bian!

What is sensitive skin?

It refers to a kind of high reaction state of skin under physiological or pathological conditions, which is mainly manifested as burning, tingling, itching and tightness of skin when stimulated by physical, chemical, mental and other factors, with or without erythema Scales, telangiectasia.

The formation of sensitive muscle is due to the decrease of skin immunity due to the damage of skin cells, and the thinning of the cuticle leading to insufficient skin moisture.

What factors can cause sensitive skin?

1. Individual factors

The causes of sensitive skin are complex, and individual factors mainly include heredity, age, sex, hormone level and mental factors.

Recent studies have shown that sensitive skin is genetically related. The incidence rate of young people is higher than that of old people, and that of women is higher than that of men. Mental stress can reflexively cause the release of neurotensin and trigger sensitive skin.

2. External factors

(1) Physical factors: such as seasonal change, temperature change, sunshine, etc.

(2) Chemical factors: such as cosmetics, cleaning products, disinfection products, air pollutants, etc.

(3) Iatrogenic factors: such as topical irritants, local long-term massive topical glucocorticoids or some laser therapy after surgery.

3. Some skin diseases

Sensitive skin can also be secondary to some skin diseases, about 66% Atopic dermatitis Of female patients and 57% of roses acne The patient has skin sensitivity, such as acne eczema Contact dermatitis It can also cause sensitive skin.

How to deal with sensitive skin?

1. Establish the concept of health

Cooperate with the treatment under the guidance of the doctor, maintain patience and build confidence. Sensitive skin is prone to recurrent attacks, so try to avoid various trigger factors, such as sunshine, eating spicy food, drinking, emotional fluctuations, closed thermal environment, etc., and avoid abusing cosmetics.

2. Physical therapy

(1) Cold spray, cold film and cold ultrasound: for patients who are sensitive to thermal stimulation, the expansion of capillaries can be contracted through low-temperature physical effects to reduce inflammation.

(2) Red light, yellow light: red light has anti-inflammatory and promoting the repair of skin barrier; Yellow light can promote cell metabolism and reduce the excitability of peripheral nerve fibers.

(3) Strong pulsed light and radio frequency: strong pulsed light can seal the dilated capillaries and promote the repair of skin barrier function; RF can stimulate collagen proliferation and improve skin tolerance.

3. Medication

Anti inflammatory and antihistamine drugs can be selected for those with obvious burning, tingling, itching and tightness, and anti anxiety and depression drugs can be used as appropriate for those with anxiety and depression.

How to care skin scientifically and healthily?

Two extremes should be avoided: excessive skin care and careless skin care. Skin care should follow the principles of gentle and thorough cleaning, soothing and moisturizing, and strict sunscreen.

  1。 It is advisable to select medical skin care products that have been tested and clinically verified and have good safety.

  2。 Clean the skin gently and thoroughly. It is advisable to use warm water to clean the face. The number of times to clean the face every day should not be too many. The cleaning time should be about 3-5 minutes.

  3。 Moisturizing does not mean that the skin is more oily, but it is better to choose moisturizing ingredients that are easily absorbed by the skin, so that the skin is not tight and has no desquamation and luster.

  4。 Sunscreen: It is recommended to choose sunscreen agent for sensitive skin. Physical sunscreen is the best choice.

  5。 Sufficient water and proper amount of vitamin C should be supplemented in work and life.

  6。 It is also important to keep a good attitude, healthy living habits and adequate sleep.

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