Middle aged men first nourish the liver

Middle aged men first nourish the liver
01:55, June 7, 2018 Health Times

Li Juntao, Deputy Chief Physician of Andrology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Once men have passed their "thirties", their health will begin to decline. For example, body weight, physical strength and energy decline. At this point, what should be done for health?

The first thing that some people think of is often tonifying the kidney. Is that the case? and be not so. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is the foundation of nature, and it is justifiable for elderly men with kidney deficiency to properly tonify the kidney, while middle-aged men do not need to join in the excitement, and what they need to do most is to nourish the liver.

The liver is in charge of catharsis, likes to express oneself, hates depression, and takes relieving as favorable. Whether the liver function is normal or not is closely related to human digestion, blood circulation, spirit and emotion.

If the function of the liver is abnormal, the movement of human qi and blood will be disordered, causing indigestion hypertension And many other diseases. At the same time, middle-aged men are at the "cusp" of career and family, with high psychological pressure and mental depression, which can easily lead to a lack of liver qi and depression, resulting in irritability, irritability, anxiety and many other psychological problems. In addition, men are more sociable, smoke and drink, and hepatitis The spread of viruses often affects the liver, and many liver diseases will secretly target you.

So, how to protect the liver?

The most direct way is to exercise regularly. I have a method of acupoint massage.

The first step is to knead Dadun acupoint. Sit cross legged upright, barefoot, press the right foot Dadun point (outside the root of the big toe nail) with the left thumb, and press the left hand for 15 times and the right hand for 15 times. Then press the left foot Dadun point with your right hand, the same way as before.

The second step is to press Taichong acupoint. Sit cross legged, press Taichong point of the right foot (between the first and second phalanges of the instep) with the left thumb, press along the gap of the bone seam and slide forward and backward for 20 times. Then press the left foot Taichong point with the right hand in the same way as before.

Step 3: Rub Sanyinjiao. Sit cross legged upright, press the right Sanyinjiao point (3 inches above the tip of the inner malleolus, at the rear edge of the tibia) with the left thumb, press the left hand for 15 times, and press the right hand for 15 times. Then press the left Sanyinjiao point with your right hand in the same way as before.

The fourth step is to push and rub the two ribs. Press both hands under the armpit, push and rub along the intercostal space until the two hands touch the chest and return, and push and rub back and forth for 30 times.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to diet and choose the right food with liver protection effect. Such as milk, eggs, fish, lean meat, bean products and other foods, the daily meal rotation arrangement provides sufficient high-quality protein for the liver. Appropriate consumption of glucose, sucrose, honey, fruit juice and other easily digested monosaccharide and disaccharide foods to increase liver glycogen reserves. Hawthorn contains ursolic acid, which can reduce the deposition of animal fat in the blood vessel wall, and can prevent or reduce Arteriosclerosis Role of. If you eat some fresh hawthorn at ordinary times, drink it with dry hawthorn in water, or add hawthorn in stew, it can not only taste but also help digestion.

Green tea is antipyretic and detoxifying, and can eliminate food and grease; Chrysanthemum calms liver and improves eyesight; Roses soothe the liver and relieve depression. Drinking this kind of tea often can protect the liver. Lycium barbarum can nourish the liver and kidney, nourish the liver and eyesight, or make tea, stew, or make porridge. Often eat nuts such as walnuts and pistachios to soothe the liver and regulate qi and alleviate anxiety.

In addition, drink more plain water, 3~4 times a day, 500 ml each time. Boiled water can increase the circulating blood volume, enhance the vitality of liver cells, and is conducive to the elimination of metabolic wastes, thus protecting the liver.

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