Everyone should know these health care tips

Everyone should know these health care tips
01:29, June 5, 2018 Sina Health

Source: China's micro platform for science popularization

Expert in this paper: Liu Shaowei, Deputy Director and Professor of the Food and Drug Administration Research Center of East China University of Science and Technology, Doctor of Food Science of Pennsylvania State University, USA, and Postdoctoral candidate of Kansas State University, USA

Can't eat too many eggs a day? Crawfish is full of parasites, can't it be eaten Are these health preserving knowledge true or false? Have you ever been hit? Now let's talk about these common sense that life is easy to get into.


Can't eat too many eggs a day?

Many people believe that they can only eat one egg a day, and they can't absorb too much. It is believed that egg yolk contains more cholesterol, and excessive intake of cholesterol and saturated fat will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In fact, however, the beneficial aspects of eggs are still important. Its high-quality protein and various trace ingredients do not have the problem of "too much can not be absorbed". Moreover, there has been scientific evidence that cardiovascular disease has nothing to do with cholesterol!

So, instead of worrying about the health of eating too many eggs, it is better to worry about the hens too late to lay eggs!


Crawfish is full of parasites, can't it be eaten?     

There is a rumor that "crayfish are all parasites and can't be eaten." I was scared to eat two crayfish.

At present, most of the crawfish we eat on the market come from artificial cultivation, which is much cleaner than the wild crawfish! Even so, they are still inevitably infected by parasites such as paragonimus, but not to the point where they can't eat.

Just remember: ① Never eat raw, and never eat undercooked crawfish. ② Don't eat dead and rotting lobsters. ③ The shrimp line should be cleaned. ④ Lobster should be fried first, and then boiled continuously for at least ten minutes.


Eating tofu will make men become mothers, while women suffer from cancer?

This is totally impossible.

The estrogen in tofu, namely soybean isoflavones, is a kind of phytoestrogen, which has a weak effect on human beings. The weak degree is about 1/100~1/1000 of human estrogen. It is a regulator that helps stabilize estrogen in human body. When the estrogen level in the body is insufficient, it can make up for it slightly; When it is too high, it will be slightly suppressed.

Therefore, tofu is edible, so don't worry about it.


Eat ginger ginseng soup in the morning and ginger arsenic in the evening?

This rumor is believed by many elders.

But in fact, no matter in the morning, noon or evening, how can the nutrition of ginger change? But how can the same nutrients be beneficial to the human body in the morning and become poison in the evening?

For most people, ginger is mainly used as a condiment. Whether it's morning, noon or evening, as long as cooking needs, you can use it with confidence.


Milk white soup is more nutritious?

This is not the case.

The reason why the soup can become milky white is that there is more fat. The protein in the soup is wrapped around the fat particles and evenly distributed in the water. This is called "emulsification" in biochemistry, and light scattering occurs, so the soup looks milky white.

However, very thin meat cannot be boiled into milky white soup, and fat must help to complete this "emulsification". The more fat, the more emulsified particles, the easier it is to boil into milky white soup.

If you want to drink soup with high nutritional content, you'd better choose clear soup. Especially when the clear soup is cold, it has frozen out, which indicates that the content of protein in this soup is high.


Don't eat at night can not only lose weight, but also good for the body?

You will lose if you believe!

Skipping dinner may lose weight, but at the same time it will damage the function of the body organs, especially the intestines and stomach. Proper and reasonable dinner is beneficial and harmless.

In fact, dinner is also very important in three meals a day. In addition, it should be noted that we should eat dinner, but we should not eat too much. We should eat properly.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight, don't eat too greasy food at dinner, and it is better to focus on light food.


Do overnight dishes contain nitrite, which can cause cancer?

Regardless of the dose, talking about toxicity, they are all hooligans!

Due to different types of vegetables, overnight dishes may indeed produce nitrite under the condition of improper storage and long storage time. However, nitrite itself is not a carcinogen, but will react with secondary amines in other foods, drugs and residual pesticides ingested by human body to form a carcinogen - nitrosamines.

The experiment shows that although the nitrite content of overnight dishes has slightly increased, the content is really limited and will not have a substantial impact on human health. However, we should eat less overnight food because of its great nutritional loss.


White egg is more nutritious?

There is a rumor on the Internet that "white eggs are more nutritious, because the white shell is a native egg, and the red shell is a foreign egg, which is produced by the chicken fed with feed."

But this is not the case.

The color of the eggshell comes from the last processing process of the egg in the reproductive tract of the hen - the pigment secreted by the uterine epithelium is evenly smeared on the eggshell on the white background. The specific pigment secreted depends on the genotype of the hen first, and it is not sure whether it is born by free range native chickens or commercial chickens raised with large-scale feed. And before the color of the eggshell is formed, the substances in the egg are formed.

Therefore, the color of the eggshell will not directly affect the nutrition of the egg.

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