Can watermelon and peach be poisoned together?

Can watermelon and peach be poisoned together?
01:18, June 4, 2018 Sina Health

Source: China's micro platform for science popularization

Expert in this paper: Liu Shaowei, Deputy Director and Professor of the Food and Drug Administration Research Center of East China University of Science and Technology, Doctor of Food Science of Pennsylvania State University, USA, and Postdoctoral candidate of Kansas State University, USA

It's time to eat peaches and watermelons again. In the hot summer, it's really delicious to eat refreshing watermelons and peaches.

However, there was a rumor in the circle of friends recently, which said: "Please remember that peaches and watermelons can't be eaten together, which will be highly toxic". Seeing this, Xiao Bian's peach fell to the ground.

Is this true? Can watermelon and peach be eaten at the same time? What should we pay attention to when eating these fruits? What food can't be eaten at the same time? We need to appear to refute the rumor!

Can watermelon and peach be poisoned?

This is an out and out rumor!

Many people find that they have had the experience of eating watermelon and peach at the same time, but have not experienced any discomfort.

In fact, from the perspective of food ingredients, this is also an absolute rumor. Watermelon and peach are rich in water, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements, etc., but their ingredients do not contain substances harmful to human body, and neither of them has any substance that will produce highly toxic after reaction.

Therefore, if they are eaten together, there is no possibility of causing death due to high toxicity.

Where did this rumor come from?

Maybe because of the hot weather in summer, many people want to taste fresh and eat watermelon and peach after refrigeration.

Chilled watermelon and peach stimulate the spleen and stomach greatly, which is easy to cause abdominal distention diarrhea To make people feel "poisoned".

In addition, peaches have high sugar content, so they are easy to rot and deteriorate when stored at room temperature. Watermelons contain a lot of water, and many people will put the rest of them into the refrigerator if they can't finish eating one. If they are not properly stored, it is also easy to cause bacteria breeding in watermelons. Eating such spoiled watermelons and peaches is also easy to cause physical discomfort.

If you feel unwell after eating watermelons and peaches, it is not their own fault. It may be that your stomach is too weak.

What should we pay attention to when eating watermelon and peach?

Don't eat too much

Although these two fruits can be eaten at the same time, neither should be eaten more.

Peach is rich in a large amount of dietary fiber and glial substances. A small amount of it can promote intestinal peristalsis, but if you eat too much, it is easy to cause burden to the stomach, leading to stomachache and diarrhea. Therefore, it is best not to eat too much. Eating too much watermelon is also easy to cause diarrhea symptoms.

According to the recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society, it is most appropriate for adults to take 250-400g of fruit every day, and they must not eat a large amount of fruit at one time.

   diabetes The patient should be cautious about eating

The sugar content of these two fruits is high, which is not suitable for diabetic patients to overeat, and the intake of staple food should be reduced while controlling the amount.

People with allergies should be careful

A few people are allergic to peaches, but they do not know it because of the mild symptoms. Peach allergy may cause redness, peeling and itching at the corners of the mouth if it is mild, or even severe shock People who are allergic to peaches should stop eating and wash their faces and hands with water when they find a mild allergy. If the symptoms are serious, go to the hospital immediately.

In general, most foods are free from "mutual restriction". Some people have uncomfortable symptoms after eating, most of which are caused by food deterioration or wrong eating methods. As for the food with a small amount of other ingredients, whether it will lead to poisoning when eaten together depends on the dosage. Normally, it will not lead to human poisoning.

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