Don't forget to do mental exercises every day in early summer

Don't forget to do mental exercises every day in early summer
10:25, May 31, 2018 Health Times

In summer, the human body enters a good time to maintain the heart. According to the attribution of the five elements, both summer and heart attributes are fire. Heart Yang is the most vigorous and powerful in summer. Whether it is the maturation of the spleen and stomach or the warm transpiration of the kidney yang, as well as the water metabolism and sweat regulation of the whole body, it is inseparable from the important role of the heart yang.

"The heart in traditional Chinese medicine is different from the so-called heart in western medicine." Wang Song, deputy chief physician of the Cardiovascular Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an interview with the New Express that the "heart" here, on the one hand, is about equal to the cardiovascular system in modern medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine has said that "the heart governs the blood"; On the other hand, it also refers to affection and mood, which is called "heart governs gods".

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the heart governs the gods". The high temperature climate is easy to make the body uncomfortable, and the mood is also easy to worry and depressed. Moderate adjustment of emotion and ease of mind is conducive to maintaining a healthy state of the body. Therefore, the key to keeping your heart healthy in summer is to avoid hurting your heart. Wang Song said that the first important thing to keep healthy in summer is to avoid staying up late. Try not to have supper at night, and fall asleep before 12 o'clock. Secondly, we should add more water to avoid the increase of blood viscosity.

Chen Luquan, from the Traditional Medicine Department of Beijing Tongren Hospital, reminded that it is better to do mental exercises every day.

   Do mental exercises every day

You can take time to do some mental exercises heart disease Of the patients who asked me about the method of heart care, I would teach them this set of health exercises, which is conducive to the rest and relaxation of the heart.

First, rub the Laogong points in the palms of both hands for 3 to 4 minutes to make the palms warm, which is very good for regulating the heart function. After warming the palms, put your hands together and let the thenar of your palms press the Tanzhong point between the two breasts of your chest from top to bottom. Rub it for five minutes to make the Tanzhong point locally warm, which helps to widen your chest, regulate qi, and regulate your heart and lungs. After rubbing Tanzhong point, use the palm root, and then push down from Tanzhong point, alternating hands for 5 minutes, which can regulate qi. It only takes about 15 minutes to sit down for a set of exercises, which is very convenient.

   Put some sour jujube seeds in the porridge

   Jujube kernel is a good ingredient for tranquilizing the heart and calming the nerves. It helps to maintain the heart when cooking porridge. Buy some sour jujube kernels from the drugstore, and add 20 or 30 grams each time you cook porridge. People who sleep poorly can also add some lotus seeds to calm their minds.

In addition, it can boil water chestnuts to dissolve the greasy body, relieve blood stasis, clear heat and promote pharynx, help cool the blood and detoxify, and also play an auxiliary role in the maintenance of the heart. Peel 10-15 water chestnuts, add 200ml water, and then boil the water chestnuts. After the water chestnuts are boiled, let it dry slightly, and then add some honey to drink.

  Sudden discomfort relief

The temperature began to rise in early summer, and some patients with heart disease were prone to panic and chest tightness. One of the tricks that can quickly relieve the pain is to press the Neiguan point on the inside of the wrist. I once received a young patient in his 20s. He was a photographer and often went out to stay up late drinking. One day, he became very nervous and was diagnosed as ventricular in the hospital Premature beat , ask me to help him with acupuncture treatment to alleviate.

I told him that if he came home with panic symptoms, he would press Neiguan for 5-10 minutes every day, or four to five times a day, which could effectively help alleviate the panic symptoms. He felt better after two weeks of doing it, and now he has been insisting on it. He told me that he often pressed Neiguan for heart comfort. So patients with similar symptoms might as well try this method.

reference material

① New Express: The key to keeping your heart healthy in summer is not to stay up late!

② Health Times, May 15, 2014: Health Care in Early Summer

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