When the temperature rises suddenly, drink some heat clearing and fire removing soup

When the temperature rises suddenly, drink some heat clearing and fire removing soup
02:45, May 30, 2018 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily

The college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination are coming, which coincides with the hot weather. Many parents will prepare soup for the examinees to clear the heat and cool down. Imagine that at noon when the sun is blazing, the examinees who have finished the first half of the exam will have a bowl of cool soup, which will naturally make them feel comfortable. We will recommend relevant soup in the next week, and you can choose appropriate ingredients according to your child's taste.

Main efficacy: heat clearing and detoxification, blood cooling and dampness removing

Recommended population: heat diarrhea; Heat clearing, dampness removing and health care in summer.

Ingredients: 300g melon seed vegetables, 2 eggs (for 2 persons).

Cooking method: wash the melon seeds and vegetables and pick the sections. Add a small amount of oil in the pot, add 2 eggs, fry poached eggs, add 1000ml of water, add melon seeds and vegetables, cook them, flavor them with a small amount of salt, drink soup, eat vegetables and eggs.

Soup comment: Melon seed vegetable is another name of wild herb purslane, also called "longevity vegetable" in the folk. The content of carotene and calcium in melon seed vegetable is high. Melon seed vegetable belongs to the traditional Chinese medicine of heat clearing and detoxification. It is cold in nature and sour in taste. It can clear heat, cool blood, dispel dampness and stop dysentery. It can be used for abdominal pain . It can also be used for hot and humid diarrhea with urgent or unpleasant diarrhea, yellowish brown stool and foul smell enteritis Treatment of seizures. It is pointed out that purslane has significant effects on E. coli, dysentery Typhoid fever Bacillus has inhibitory effect and is called natural antibacterial. The Compendium of Materia Medica says that it "disperses blood and detumescence" and "detoxifies and dredges lymph". Melon seed vegetables grow vigorously in summer and autumn, and summer is often the season for bacteria to multiply crazily, so melon seed vegetables are also suitable for health care in summer. The nature of melon seeds and vegetables is cold, so it is usually used with caution when the spleen and stomach are cold, the stool is loose, and pregnant women.

Recommended by: Clinical Nutrition Department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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