WHO announces the world's top ten causes of death

WHO announces the world's top ten causes of death
May 30, 2018 03:42 Health Times

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently announced the latest top ten causes of death in the world, six of which are non communicable diseases. ischemic heart disease and apoplexy It is the world's largest killer, causing 15.2 million deaths in 2016. These two diseases have been the main causes of death worldwide for the past 15 years.

2016 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Took 3 million lives, and lung cancer 1.7 million people died (along with tracheal and bronchial cancer). diabetes It caused 1.6 million deaths in 2016, compared with less than 1 million in 2000. dementia The death caused by SARS more than doubled from 2000 to 2016, and its ranking among the causes of death rose from the 14th in 2000 to the 5th in 2016.

Lower respiratory tract infection is still the most deadly infectious disease, causing 3 million deaths worldwide in 2016. From 2000 to 2016, diarrhea The number of deaths from diseases decreased by nearly 1 million, but still led to 1.4 million deaths in 2016. In the same period, the death toll of tuberculosis also decreased, but it is still one of the top ten causes of death, with 1.3 million deaths. AIDS HIV/AIDS is no longer one of the top ten causes of death in the world. In 2016, the number of deaths was 1 million, compared with 1.5 million in 2000.

In 2016, road traffic injuries caused 1.4 million deaths, of which about three quarters (74%) were male adults and minors.

cure coronary heart disease Cannot drag

Ischemic heart disease is a heart disease caused by ischemia. Its other name may be more familiar to everyone, that is, "coronary heart disease", that is, "coronary heart disease". In fact, this kind of disease is not unfamiliar to everyone. But clinically, I found that many patients who found themselves suffering from coronary heart disease did not take it seriously. Even when the doctor suggested hospitalization inspection, some people would think that the doctor was "making a mountain out of a molehill" and did not take it seriously, and went home with the admission note, which was very dangerous.

First, explain the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease. Coronary artery is the blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart. If it becomes narrow or even blocked, the heart will become ischemic. In serious cases, myocardial cells may even become necrotic, endangering the patient's life and leading to death.

There are many reasons for coronary artery stenosis or blockage, most of which are due to coronary atherosclerosis and on this basis thrombus Caused by. If there is thrombus in this narrow coronary artery in some cases, the blood flow to the heart will be suddenly interrupted. Ischemic myocardial cells are like people being stuck in the throat. If they can't hold on for long, necrosis will occur miocardial infarction

and atherosclerosis It is a relatively long process from nothing to existence and from existence to heaviness. In this process, even if the patient smokes, eats and drinks as usual, and does not control the elevated blood pressure and lipids, the patient will not have any discomfort and will completely behave like a normal person. Even if the coronary artery stenosis reaches a very serious degree, there is only a stage when patients feel chest discomfort during more intense activities. After a short rest, the symptoms will disappear completely, giving people the illusion of "all right, all right". Therefore, many patients at this stage will not go to see a doctor, but wait until they have symptoms.

But in fact, this "procrastination" mentality may cause very serious consequences. This stage is just the best time for treatment. In case of myocardial infarction, about half of the patients will die if they have no chance to go to the hospital. Even if they have the chance to go to the hospital, 3%~5% of the patients still cannot leave the hospital alive. Moreover, since myocardial cells cannot regenerate after necrosis, even if they survive treatment, the heart has been hit by irrecoverable damage. As a doctor, I have seen too many such lessons. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the tragedy is still repeated.

There is no folk prescription that can ensure a person not to have coronary heart disease, but a healthy lifestyle and active and effective treatment hypertension Hyperlipidemia and diabetes can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Having understood the characteristics of coronary heart disease symptoms, we should not ignore them when they occur, and should seek medical advice in a timely manner. Only by adopting comprehensive treatment methods including lifestyle adjustment, drug treatment and interventional treatment, can we prevent coronary heart disease before it makes a fatal blow.

  Be alert to the six signs of stroke

Yawning Continuously: When the Brain Arteriosclerosis Gradually aggravated, the lumen became narrower and narrower, cerebral ischemia and hypoxia aggravated, especially when the respiratory center was hypoxic, it would cause yawn reflex. In most cases, within 5-10 days before the onset of ischemic stroke, the frequency of yawning can reach about 80%, which is an important alarm signal.

Stuttering and drooling: there is a problem in the mouth, speaking poorly and drooling are all signs of stroke.

Once dark: suddenly appear black in front of you, and you can't see anything, and recover in seconds or minutes, without nausea, vomiting dizzy and Consciousness obstacle

Blurred vision: it is characterized by temporary visual impairment or visual field defect, which usually recovers within 1 hour.

Razor landing: when you shave with a knife, you turn your head to one side, suddenly feel that your arm is weak, and the razor falls to the ground, and fully recovers after 1~2 minutes. This is because when turning the head and twisting the neck, the already hardened carotid artery is twisted, which aggravates the stenosis and leads to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

Hemiparesis: namely Transient ischemic attack Strictly speaking, this is the lightest stroke. Follow up observation shows that 3 to 5 years after transient ischemic attack, more than half of people have ischemic stroke.

Anyone who has one of the above symptoms should be checked as soon as possible. After a clear diagnosis, systematic treatment should be carried out to avoid the occurrence of stroke.

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