The weak are more likely to suffer from serious diseases and death after sitting for a long time

The weak are more likely to suffer from serious diseases and death after sitting for a long time
10:01, May 29, 2018 Health Times

According to a study recently published in the open access journal BMC Medicine, scientists found that people with poor grip, poor physical fitness and less exercise are most likely to increase mortality and the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and tumors due to sitting in front of the screen for a long time through large-scale observation and research of more than 390000 people.

Researchers from the University of Glasgow in the UK found that the health damage caused by sitting for a long time while watching TV or using a computer was twice that of the participants with low grip strength or low physical fitness than those with high grip strength or high physical fitness. Team member Carlos Selis said that everyone is not equal in the face of the health risks brought by sedentary. People who do not like sports are most affected. Increasing strength and improving physical fitness may offset the negative effects of sitting too long.

The data of 391089 people analyzed in this study are from a large-scale prospective population study - UK Biobank. The data used in this study include all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease and tumor incidence, as well as the time to sit in front of the screen, grip strength, physical fitness and physical activity.

   People who are sedentary should move quickly in summer——

"Why should the Olympic Games be held in summer? It is precisely because people are in good condition in summer, which is suitable for almost all sports. However, with the exception of long-distance endurance sports such as marathon, because the weather is hot and the consumption is too high," said Chen Zhigang, lecturer of Beijing Scientific Fitness Expert Lecture Group.

What is the most suitable summer sports for people to practice? Chen Zhigang recommended three kinds of sports.

  Large range of motion of joints - fast movement

Chen Zhigang suggested doing some short-term fast sports, such as fast running, fast swimming, etc. Because of the large range of motion of joints and flexible body in summer, it is not easy to hurt muscles and bones when doing fast sports, and it can reach the exercise intensity in a short time, which is also a beneficial stimulus to the heart.

This speed is also the condition of combining itself. For example, in the 100 meter dash, young people can run in 20 seconds, while middle-aged people can lower their speed a little, and run 100 meters in 1 to 2 minutes. If you are older, you can also choose a fast walk of this distance. After completing a short and fast frequency exercise, you can lower the rhythm, ease it, and go on the next time.

  Low muscle viscosity - stretching exercise

When the weather is cold, the muscles are stiff all over the body, and the arms and legs are afraid of being pulled during activities. In summer, the muscle viscosity is reduced, so you can do more stretching exercises.

Chen Zhigang believes that the most convenient stretching exercise is leg pressing. Although many people also press their legs, the method may be wrong. Chen Zhigang reminded that when pressing the leg, the direction of the toe of the support leg must be consistent with the direction of the upper body. For example, when the body is leaning forward, the toes should face the front; If the body bends and presses sideways, the toe is at a 90 degree angle with the direction of pressing. In addition, when pressing the leg, the toe of the raised leg should be as upward as possible and hook back. The muscles of front pressure and side pressure are different, so it is better to do both when pressing the leg. Each time you press down, stick to it for 10~20 seconds according to your own situation, and do 3~5 in total.

   People are easy to get excited -- recreational sports

Exercise can exercise, if it can also bring happiness, it would be great. Chen Zhigang said that people are more likely to be excited in summer, which is very suitable for some antagonistic sports such as badminton, tennis, table tennis, basketball, football and so on. Football is more antagonistic and suitable for young people. Badminton, tennis and basketball are less antagonistic and not easy to be injured. It is suitable for older people.

Chen Zhigang suggested that the high temperature period between 10 and 17 o'clock should be avoided as far as possible outdoors, and sports drinks should be supplemented every half hour of exercise.

reference material

① Science and Technology Daily: Large scale observation and research show that the weak are more likely to suffer from serious diseases and deaths after sitting for a long time

② Health Times 2012-07-23 Edition 01: Move with the Olympic Games

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