Six discomfort can be relieved by hot compress

A small hot towel has some unexpected therapeutic effects. Select a clean towel, soak it in 40 ℃~45 ℃ hot water, wring it dry and apply it to the diseased part. Replace the towel every 5 minutes, and the hot compress time is 15-20 minutes.

  Six Discomforts

Relieve by hot compress

Relieve eye fatigue Hot compress with towel can promote blood circulation around the eyes, reduce eye fatigue, and alleviate xerophthalmia Symptoms of.

prevention deaf Applying a towel on the ear or gently rubbing it can improve the blood circulation of the ear and prevent functional deafness caused by ischemia.

improve dizzy Applying hot towel on the back of the head for several minutes each time can stimulate the acupoints of the back of the head and improve the dizziness of some patients.

For a slight pillow fall, apply a hot towel to the affected part and exercise the neck.

prevention and cure cervical spondylopathy If symptoms of cervical spondylosis occur in the early stage, such as stiff and sore neck, towel hot compress can be used to improve the symptoms, alleviate muscle spasm, and prevent cervical spondylosis.

treatment dysmenorrhea Or cold abdominal pain For women with dysmenorrhea or abdominal pain caused by coldness, towel hot compress can be used to remove blood stasis, regulate qi and relieve pain.

  Hot compress Caution

Fall into two major misunderstandings

For patients with skin ulceration, avoid hot compress on the surface of skin lesions to prevent infection or skin irritation and aggravation of symptoms. In addition, sprain At the initial stage of acute soft tissue injury such as strain, there is blood stasis under the skin. It is not suitable to apply hot compress within 24-48 hours, or it will aggravate local swelling.

Hot compress is mainly for cold STD Therefore, patients with hyperthermia should not use hot compress. People with hyperthermia often show that they are easy to catch fire, especially afraid of heat, or accompanied by bad breath constipation Women also have excessive menstruation.

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