The scalp is more afraid of aging than the skin

The scalp is more afraid of aging than the skin
09:58, May 29, 2018 Health Times

Many people pay attention to skin protection, but they don't know that the scalp is more afraid of aging than the skin. Don't do these things that the scalp is most afraid of!

Afraid of using the same shampoo for a long time

As the dandruff shampoo has more or less degreasing and bacteriostatic effects, the scalp will inevitably have resistance after being used for a long time. It should be replaced regularly or used alternately.

If the effect of a certain shampoo is not as good as before after using it for a period of time, you should immediately change to another brand (preferably with different anti dandruff ingredients) or use it alternately, which may have better effect. In addition, when using shampoo, do not directly wipe your head, you can pour it on your hand, foam it and then wipe it on your head.

Afraid of hair dyes

Although there is no clear evidence of carcinogenesis for regular hair dyes, the phenylenediamine component in hair dyes is a kind of sensitizer, which may cause some people to become allergic Contact dermatitis After allergy, there will be redness, rashes, yellowing water, swollen eyelids, etc. on the head and face, which can affect the whole body skin or even be fatal! In addition, the scalp is the place with the most hair follicles and densest hair follicles. If directly contacting with hair dyes, chemical toxins may enter the body from this, and long-term use may lead to potential risks for liver and kidney. It is better to remind the hairdresser before dyeing hair to avoid the contact between hair dye and scalp.

Afraid of scratching nails

It is very comfortable to scratch the scalp with fingernails when washing hair, but the scalp is very fragile, and it is easy to scratch it if you are not careful. Moreover, it is easy to hide bacteria in the nail seam. In case of scratching the scalp, bacteria will enter and cause infection. When washing hair, don't scratch with your nails, but wash with your fingers. Scratching the scalp will only lead to itching. The correct way to wash hair is to use finger pulp (finger pulp), and slowly clean the scalp and hair in a rounded way.

Afraid that the conditioner can not be washed clean

The hair conditioner can only care for the hair. If it cannot be washed clean, excessive hair conditioner residues will stick to the hair, making it easier for the hair to be stained with dust and blocking the hair follicle after a long time.

When applying hair conditioner, apply it less to the scalp, and apply it 1~2cm away from the hair root.

Afraid of frequent perm

The medicament used for perm mostly contains alkaline ingredients and oxidants. Frequent perm will damage the surface of the hair, make the internal structure of the hair lose protection, and cause the hair to be yellow, brittle, inelastic and shiny. It is recommended to have a perm interval of more than 3 months.

Fear the shampoo is too hot

It is not good to wash hair in cold water, but it is also bad to wash hair in too hot water. When washing hair, using too hot water will not only damage hair follicles and hair quality, but also take away the moisture and oil on the scalp surface, making the scalp skin drier. People with oily hair should pay more attention to that overheated water will stimulate the scalp to secrete more oil and produce more dandruff. The most suitable temperature is about 40 ° C.

There are generally four criteria for healthy scalp. First, no dandruff is visible to the naked eye. Second, it is refreshing and not itchy. Third, the scalp is relaxed and not tight. Fourth, it can maintain the first three states for a long time. Pay attention to distinguish between physiological dandruff and pathological dandruff. If you do not wash your hair for a week, the small pieces of skin cutin on the scalp that died of aging will mix with the sebum secreted by the scalp and the dust in the air to form physiological dandruff. These dandruffs will not be accompanied by other scalp inflammation, such as redness of the scalp, obvious itching, etc.

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