Too little salt can cause disease

Xiao Liu suffered from it at a young age hypertension When the doctor analyzed the cause of his illness, he thought that there were two ways to overcome it. One was obesity. Xiao Liu didn't like sports; The second is diet. Xiao Liu likes salty food. The doctor told Xiao Liu that in addition to taking medicine on time, he should exercise properly at ordinary times and try to avoid taking high salt food. However, problems also follow

Because of obesity and high blood pressure, Xiao Liu took the medicine on time according to the doctor's advice and increased the amount of exercise at ordinary times. In order to reduce the salt intake, he simply brought his lunch to work, so that he would not eat food with salt three times a day. In this way, Xiao Liu's blood pressure is controlled in an ideal state, but a new problem has occurred. He cannot concentrate on work and often sleeps.

Is it caused by normal blood pressure? With such a problem, Xiao Liu went to the hospital for treatment. After the doctor's inspection and understanding of Xiao Liu's daily situation, the analysis concluded that: low sodium syndrome. The cause of the disease is lack of "salt".

Doctors said that high salt intake is an important risk factor for hypertension, and high sodium and low potassium diet is one of the characteristics of hypertension patients in China. Epidemiological studies show that excessive salt intake not only increases blood pressure, but also affects the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs, and increases the risk of target organ damage in patients with hypertension. As a long-term strategy to prevent and control hypertension, reducing salt and limiting salt has been recognized in many countries.

However, there is a limit to everything. Salt restriction cannot be excessive, nor does it mean salt prohibition. If the body is too short of salt intake, it will also harm the human body.

A study of more than 130000 patients carried out by foreign researchers showed that whether or not the patient was accompanied by hypertension, compared with the subjects with a daily sodium intake of 3g~6g, the patients with a daily sodium intake of less than 3g had an increased risk of cardiovascular events and death.

It is true that salt restriction is good for health, but excessive salt shortage is like overcorrection, and the result is just the opposite. Due to insufficient intake of sodium salt, the osmotic pressure inside and outside the cells of the body will lose balance, prompting water to flow into the cells, resulting in edema of varying degrees. The lighter will appear Consciousness obstacle Serious adverse reactions such as heart rate acceleration, anorexia, nausea, etc. are called "low sodium syndrome" in medicine.

During the war years, the heroic People's Liberation Army often suffered serious health problems due to lack of salt, so it tried every means to get salt. The people risked their lives to break through the resistance of the enemy and send salt to the PLA, which shows the importance of salt to the human body. The reason is that sodium is an important part of table salt, and the nervous system in the human body cannot transmit information without sodium. Both the muscle contraction of the human body and the beating of the heart are affected by sodium. Therefore, when people are in a state of salt shortage, their mental state will plummet and become depressed.

An observational research report published by Canada's McMaster University and Hamilton Health Science Center in the internationally renowned medical journal The Lancet pointed out that low salt intake, that is, less than 7.5 grams of salt (equivalent to 3 grams of sodium) per day on average, will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and death (from any cause).

Therefore, too much or too little salt intake will affect your health.

So, how should we correctly grasp the "salinity"?

Our residents' dietary guidelines recommend that a person's daily intake of salt is less than 6 grams, of which 2 grams of salt is the amount of salt contained in the food people eat daily. The actual amount of salt used for cooking in a day should be 4 grams. The amount of salt consumed in a day is the same as the amount of salt used to flatten the lid of an ordinary beer bottle. Salt restriction is particularly important for patients with hypertension.

However, salt restriction should also be limited. If it occurs due to salt restriction dizzy In case of dizziness, weakness of limbs, loss of appetite, lethargy, etc., you should go to the hospital for treatment. If you are diagnosed with low sodium syndrome due to excessive salt restriction, you should pay attention to your diet. If necessary, you can strengthen sodium supplementation by taking oral rehydration salts and restricting drinking water. Of course, strengthening sodium supplementation should be carried out under the guidance of doctors.

Wen/Wu Shimin

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