Exercise 4-5 times a week can delay cardiovascular aging

Exercise 4-5 times a week can delay cardiovascular aging
10:04, May 28, 2018 People's Daily

The new issue of British Journal of Physiology published a research report that exercising four to five times a week for more than 30 minutes each time can delay cardiovascular aging and keep the heart young.

The best "dose" of exercise needed to delay cardiovascular aging has always been the focus of discussion among industry insiders. The researchers of the American Institute of Sports and Environmental Medicine took 102 elderly people over 60 years old who had been exercising for more than 25 years as research subjects, divided them into groups according to the frequency of exercise, and measured their arteriosclerosis.

The results showed that different exercise frequencies would affect the size of arteries. Exercise 2 to 3 times a week for more than 30 minutes each time can slow down the hardening of the middle artery, which mainly supplies aerobic blood to the head and neck. To keep the main artery, which mainly supplies aerobic blood to the chest and abdomen, young, exercise 4 to 5 times a week for more than 30 minutes each time is required.

The researchers said that although this study did not take into account the factors that may affect cardiovascular health, such as exercise intensity, exercise mode, diet habits, social background, etc., the latest research results still help to develop long-term exercise plans to achieve the goal of delaying cardiovascular aging.

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