What to do if your hair is always oily

What to do if your hair is always oily
00:01, May 26, 2018 Family Doctor Online

What's the matter with greasy hair? Many people feel that their hair is always oily and looks really indecent. What's the matter?

 Why is hair always oily Why is hair always oily

Hair oil is mostly caused by damp and heat, or because of the fat and sweet taste, it damages the spleen and stomach, turns moisture into heat, fumigates the skin, and forces the excessive secretion of oil. Some people have a phlegm dampness constitution, while others have a bad habit of life. For example, people who like sweets and have too much fish and meat are prone to phlegm dampness. When phlegm and dampness are endogenous, the fat metabolism in the body is impeded, and the nutrients that cannot be digested and excreted become waste products, which block the body, causing damp and heat, and can not be discharged, thus accumulating and fumigating in the scalp layer. After a long time, greasy hair will appear.

Modern people like food with high calorie and fat content. Eating greasy and spicy food will stimulate the secretion of sebaceous glands. Staying up late, playing computer for a long time, fast-paced life, high intensity work pressure, etc. will affect the endocrine system of the human body and aggravate the scalp oil production.

After frequent hair washing, the sebum will receive the message of "lack of oil", and then further secrete oil, which will lead to more and more secretion and more oil in the hair.

How to deal with oily hair

  Wash the controllable oil with clean water every other time

If you are used to washing your hair every day, or if you don't wash your hair, you will secrete too much oil. Even if you wash your hair every day, you don't need to use shampoo and conditioner. If you can see the situation, you can wash your hair with clean water every other day. This can also remove the stains on your hair and scalp, but it will not increase the secretion of oil. For people who do not have serious oil discharge, it is OK to wash their hair two or three times a week.

  Do not dry wash your hair, and massage less to stimulate your scalp

Many people like to go to the barber shop to dry shampoo, that is, directly pour shampoo and rub it on dry hair for more than 10 minutes. In fact, massaging oily hair and rubbing the scalp will only promote more vigorous oil secretion, and the shampoo in the barber shop is not very reliable, so it is recommended to quickly wet wash.

  Do less health care combing

Although massaging scalp with finger belly in the morning and evening has certain health care effects, for scalp prone to oil production, this will passively disperse oil to the hair shaft, stimulate oil secretion, and increase oil production.

  Change shampoo

People who love to produce oil in their hair should use shampoos containing zinc pyrithione or salicylic acid, which are mostly found in dandruff shampoo and can help control scalp oil production.

  Hair is often cut

The longer the hair, the more sagging it will be under the action of gravity, and the greater the tension on the hair root, so it will be easier to produce oil and appear flat. It is recommended that people trim their hair at least once a month, which can not only help control oil, but also protect hair roots.

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