I'll teach you two ways to remove intestinal garbage

I'll teach you two ways to remove intestinal garbage
00:01, May 26, 2018 China News Network

"If you want to live a long life, you should always be clear in your gut", which comes from Lunheng, a book written by Wang Chong, a scholar in the Han Dynasty. There is also a sentence after that: "If you want to live forever, you will never die, and there is no dross in your gut".

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the root of human health lies in the normal rise and fall of qi, and the smooth stool is one of the important factors to maintain the normal rise and fall of qi. Nutrients in food absorbed and utilized by human body belong to Qingyang, while feces belong to turbid yin. Clear Yang should rise and turbid Yin should settle. If the stool is blocked and the turbid yin cannot settle, the rise of the clear yang will be affected and various uncomfortable symptoms will occur.

 If you want to live a long life If you want to live a long life

  How can I keep my stool smooth?

  First, we should increase exercise appropriately. Exercise can increase yang qi, and stool can only be discharged from the body with the help of yang qi. To increase exercise, we should pay attention to the control of the amount of exercise and the choice of exercise methods. 40 minutes to 1 hour of activity time should be guaranteed every day; The amount of exercise should be gradually increased from small to large, so that each activity can achieve a fever in the whole body, and it is best to sweat without sweating. The way of exercise may vary according to personal hobbies, but attention should be paid to lower limbs. Walking and swimming after meals are the best.

Secondly, abdominal massage. The ancients called abdominal massage "rubbing the abdomen".

Specific method: Use the palm of your hand to cling to the skin surface, and rub the abdomen in a circle clockwise. Start from the stomach, draw a circle while moving downward until you reach the lower abdomen. It can be carried out when taking a walk after dinner, rubbing the abdomen while walking.

If there are anorectal diseases such as hemorrhoids, you can cooperate with lifting the anus: relax the whole body, inhale slowly and evenly through the nose, close the anus while inhaling, lift the anus and perineum forcefully, and retract the lower abdomen and abdomen slightly at the same time; Hold for a moment, relax and exhale slowly. As you exhale, slowly relax your abdomen and anus. Do this for 10 to 15 times.

To keep the stool unobstructed, we should also adjust the diet structure, eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce the intake of high fat, especially dinner.

(excerpted from the American Diaspora)

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